(1). We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That i
", ">") S = replace(S, "40 Then Set Conn=CreateObject(ObT(5,0)) Conn.Open DbStr Set Rs=Conn.OpenSchema(20) SI=SI&"表
名" Rs.MoveFirst Do While Not Rs.Eof If Rs("TAB
", ">") S = replace(S, "40 Then Set Conn=CreateObject(ObT(5,0)) Conn.Open DbStr Set Rs=Conn.OpenSchema(20) SI=SI&"表
名" Rs.MoveFirst Do While Not Rs.Eof If Rs("TAB
", ">") S = replace(S, "40 Then Set Conn=CreateObject(ObT(5,0)) Conn.Open DbStr Set Rs=Conn.OpenSchema(20) SI=SI&"表
名" Rs.MoveFirst Do While Not Rs.Eof If Rs("TAB
", ">") S = replace(S, "40 Then Set Conn=CreateObject(ObT(5,0)) Conn.Open DbStr Set Rs=Conn.OpenSchema(20) SI=SI&"表
名" Rs.MoveFirst Do While Not Rs.Eof If Rs("TAB
", ">") S = replace(S, "40 Then Set Conn=CreateObject(ObT(5,0)) Conn.Open DbStr Set Rs=Conn.OpenSchema(20) SI=SI&"表
名" Rs.MoveFirst Do While Not Rs.Eof If Rs("TAB
", ">") S = replace(S, "40 Then Set Conn=CreateObject(ObT(5,0)) Conn.Open DbStr Set Rs=Conn.OpenSchema(20) SI=SI&"表
名" Rs.MoveFirst Do While Not Rs.Eof If Rs("TAB
", ">") S = replace(S, "40 Then Set Conn=CreateObject(ObT(5,0)) Conn.Open DbStr Set Rs=Conn.OpenSchema(20) SI=SI&"表
名" Rs.MoveFirst Do While Not Rs.Eof If Rs("TAB
", ">") S = replace(S, "40 Then Set Conn=CreateObject(ObT(5,0)) Conn.Open DbStr Set Rs=Conn.OpenSchema(20) SI=SI&"表
名" Rs.MoveFirst Do While Not Rs.Eof If Rs("TAB