
听力:V29  阅读:V41
写作:Nowadays in many school there have serve problems of students’ behaviors. What’re the causes? Give some solution. Writhe and argument or write with a case.
口语:1. describe a typical working day,  2.  what factors influence people to choose job?  3.do u think there is difference between men and woman to choose job? What’s that?
4. What are the characteristics of a good boss?  5.what are the characteristics of the perfect job? (talk about for 1 minute)  6.advantage and disadvantage of sports? Do u think there is difference in the attitude towards sports between men and woman? What’s that?
第一部分,2个学生Kevin and Helen(这2个名字在后面有填空)谈论关于电台的事情,第一个选择是funds, 第二个选择是who…, 后面有一个让选3项他们准备作的节目,我的选择是:local music, interviews, local news. 紧接着是填表格,第一个就是他们2个准备作某项活动,最后两个是making timetable ,时间是December.
第二部分,关于一个活动的安排。要求写下餐馆的名字,lift在哪里(ground floor), 然后后面是选择题,关于价钱的,最后一个选择题是星期天的活动的价钱。
第三部分,第一道选择题是那个女孩子在家乡completed a course, 第二道选择题是如果她想完成assignment, 必须write faster(给出的选项有think faster, write faster, change her thinking),
后面是no more than 3 words的填空,印象中记得有how often does her in hospital ,答案是every Saturday(或者你可以写one day/week).
第四部分,我这次还是没有做好,实在是速度太快。 :( 第一个问题是what’s the form did they ..? 答案是pay in goods. 后面的答案我都不肯定,也就不写出来了。

奥大经常会出现听力29或者30的版本,看来又一次被验证了,希望大家还是注意一点。Good luck to every one~~~~


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