也许是第一次参加亚斯考试,所以感到一切都很新鲜。虽然是9点考试,但是考试中心居然要求8点前就到,简直shit。我的建议是8点15到考场,8点30进场就行了,只要不错过test instruction就行。当然,如果不是第一次考,也就什么都没所谓了。
两个老外监考,其中一个很厉害,no page and no extra materials(beeper or mobile phone),口气很硬。但是人很好,她仔细的检查了每个人的answer sheet,例如我就没添cand id,多亏他及时发现。
Listening ver00044(好像就是ver36)。题不难,速度中等,口音不重。
5-7 选择,5问要住什么样的房子(twin or single),6问和什么样的人一起住,7忘了;
Section3.关于南极的。简单,题目是speaker一个一个说出来的,认真听就行了,有陷阱,不过easy to overcome。还有两个填空,一道多选。
Section4.关于澳洲鲨鱼。4个填空,4个选择,一个多选。有点口音,讨厌的澳洲老,但是可以忍受。注意,there is no break between questions. The whole article is read from the beginning to the end.我就是吃这个亏,以为在填空完了之后会有一个break,结果两个选择没听到,god,我的8分。
Reading ver00045。很简单,没有什么生词,而且没有填空,只有选择和T,F,NG两题型,easy to handle。
Section1. How to find bridge damage.一道看图选择,一道matching heading的题。
Section2. 厄而尼诺现象和marine animals,seabirds。
Section3.About reserving European forest.
Writing ver71。很多人都说这是
Task1。 A table about the proportion of different family types in poverty in Australia of 1999.
Task2. Choose three of the following media and describe the advantage and disadvantage of the media you choose for communicating information. State which one you think is the most effective.
Medias: comics, books, radio, television, films还有一个忘了。
刚到考场,就听说没人考,不会我是第一个把?!还好那位mm及时感到,我还有time to have a rest。感觉考试速度好快,不到15分钟她就出来了,也许她的topic不好,看她有点不高兴。However, I have to be self-confident. Taking a breath, I entered the testing room. My officer is an old woman with a little Australian accent. After introducing each other, she asked the city transportation and how to solve the problems in city transport. That’s easy. And then comes my topic: talk about a book. God blesses me. I really enjoy this topic.于是,我的一顿神侃把那老太太搞得十分高兴,because we talk about the bible.不知不觉,我们聊了20多分钟,她才意识到时间太长了。他很高兴的告诉我说,really enjoy talking with you 然后握手告别。看来口语也搞定了。
给那些害怕口语的朋友们一个建议,try to make friends with your test officer, that will make your oral test much easier to go.
说到这吧,wish all IELTS examinees good luck!!!
Mar. 23, 2002
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