

27日在深圳考试. 晚上莫名的兴奋, 到零晨一点多还没睡着,索性起来回顾考试。据说题目相同的机会还是很高的, 因此尽我所能把答案回忆出来, 希望对后来者有所帮助。

一.听力(Version 27)

Section one(one student register in homestay)
1. Surname 的拼写,具体记不得了,但很容易的, 估计大家都会.
2. Passport number(记不得了)
3. Course applied: Advanced English Study
4. Time to stay: 4 months
5. Homestay time;5 weeks
6. 对homestay有什么要求(non-smoker,non-drinker,pet),
7. favorite food: sea food,
8. 对体育运动的爱好(tennis)
9. preffered transportation: (train)
10. 何时可以得到信息(this afternoon)


Section two (about go abroad and visa)
11.Visa can last(90days)
12. if you carry a lot of money you should fill a (currency form ),
13. go to ( your own embassy) to apply.
14. if you wish to get a Y:outh transportation card, you should show your (Student ID Card).
15. you should take take (12passport photos) with you,
16 . accepted currency: (Australian dollor)

Section Three (a survey about shopping)
17. Occupation (cashier)
18. how much spend per shopping (50 pounds),
19. where often go,(depatment store)
20. what difficoult to buy (jeans)

接下来是一个圆形图, 反映消费的三种方式,
21. 50%的人每月消费(50镑),
22. 45%的人每月花(70镑)
23. 5%的人每月花(20镑)

24.25.26.集体反映什么最难买(books,sports items, trousers)
前三部分30道题, 还有4个记不得了.
Section 4, about how to manager time,
共十道题,听起来一点也不难,但是出题的顺序颠三倒四, 所以有一半的题没有把握, 在这就不写出来了.

二. 阅读. (version 20)

阅读本来是我的强项, 没想到这次竟然翻船了. 由于太粗心, 居然把所有的判断对错的题都写成了TRUE OR FALSE OR NOT GIVEN, 而其中有大约七.八道题是应该用YES OR NO 来答的. 中间休息时听别人提起才知道, 很是生气, 因此也影响了写作. 所以我就不想回忆阅读部分了.

三. 写作 (version 68)

TASK 1 You took your family had a good meal in a local restaurant. Write a letter to the newsper to tell about it, describ the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth for other people to visit.

TASK 2. Choose an invertion, telephone or computer, and tell how it has changed our life. Are the changes all possitive or negative?

四. 口语

第一部分 就不提了.


Do you play or watch any sport? Explain why you choose to play or watch it, and tell the benefites you get from playing or watching. Why you preffer this sport to other sports?


how do you think sports speculator? Can you compare playing a sport to watching a living game?
口语大约考了十分钟, 算是比较快的, 前面有一个不知怎么居然进去了四十分钟. 听说考得快的有两种人, 一是口语太差的, 一是很好的. 我想我不是第一种.:)

总的来说, 还不算很难. 由于阅读部分的差错, 我原来定的目标分不能达到了, 但六分应该还是没问题的.

希望后来者一定要吸取我的教训, 仔细看清题目的要求, 象我这样失分是太冤枉。
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