麻烦,根本不用这么早到嘛,还要老师来食堂领人,搞的象监狱防风一样。废话少说:我补充一下writing 96 task 2: The television is dangerous.Because it has destroied our family life and community life.In
发贴: rosiee(rosiee) 麻烦,根本不用这么早到嘛,还要老师来食堂领人,搞的象监狱防风一样。废话少说:我补充一下writing 96 task 2: The television is dangerous.Because it has destroied our family life and
halcyonbei v96 Task 2Television is dahgerous because it destroyed the family life and any sense of community. Insteading of visiting to people or talking with families people have lot of time to watc