



  An interesting tourist attraction有趣的旅游景点

  A place far away from your hometown远离家乡的地方

  A prize you won in the past奖项

  An indoor game (not about sport) you liked to play when you were a child室内游戏

  A positive change you have积极改变

  An important time in your life重要时刻

  A subject you dislike讨厌科目

  A gift which took you a long time to buy挑选的礼物

  An electronic equipment(not computer) you bought for your home (or you are familiar with) 电子产品

  An Educational TV program 电视节目

  A good place to read or write(not home)适合读书写作的地方

  A restaurant you like喜欢的餐厅

  A place(not your home)makes you relaxed放松之地




  A paid work you did with people 有偿工作

  A time you got up really early早起的经历

  A person dresses well注重穿着打扮的人

  An famous international award知名国际奖项

  A change in the place where you live你住的地区的改变

  A picture or photo in your family家中的图片或照片

  A time that you disagreed with your friends与朋友观点不同的时候

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