
部分报考2009年3月21日在北京语言大学举行的IELTS考试考生的口语考试将安排在3月23日(周一),口试场地为北京市教育考试指导中心1号楼。考生请以考试当日收到的通知为准。请提前两个工作日上网查询您的口试时间,并准时参加考试。中国雅思网;gn!lo4S wx

FewC$eu5CI2BD0下列乘车路线供考生参考。如对考场的位置仍有疑问,请拨打电话:010-64265966, 64269308。中国雅思网~6r8l(qk@,x
中国雅思网%~V N$}mh8d;QP
地    址:北京安定门外外馆东街23号
'T [&a.NS0中国雅思网 oO6N9AB? {~n%J
    * 18、113、407、417支、850、特2甘水桥下车。
L5H1ph%^#z0    * 104、108电车、124甘水桥(安贞桥)站下车。
+_5ly2h;jt;H0    * 300、302、387、731安贞桥站下车。中国雅思网` rI)L`:H"@2a

?.l/k:ORJ C1j0    3月21日(周六)上午的笔试考场及 3月21日(周六)下午和3月22日(周日)的口语考场不变。中国雅思网;{ fr$W @

2X.C&P/QX0Monday Speaking Test at Beijing Education Examinations Instructive Centre – Mar 23rd, 2009
The interview time for some candidates registered for the Mar 21st, 2009 test in BLCU will be arranged for Monday (Mar 23rd 2009), and the venue is the No.1 Building of Beijing Education Examinations Instructive Centre.  Please refer to the test venue notice delivered on the test day.
LoI$|]'w9[0中国雅思网 /[BZ%v7B
Please check your interview time on the registration website 2 working days prior to the test.
;oq |a3H aH0
0G*R#z$Cc{y0The following transportation details are for your reference. For further information, please call 010-64265966, 64269308 for further information. 中国雅思网]Z"LD xUq
中国雅思网6j tf8uS{Nr5m
Address: No. 23 An Ding Men Wai Waiguan East Street中国雅思网c|,Nw9Mh+e.f!d
中国雅思网~1i2dvD2} e
    * No. 18、113、407、417(branch)、850、T2: Getting off at Ganshui Bridge Station中国雅思网t7[8If&z&|j:x
    * No. 104, 108 (Trolley Bus), 124: Getting off at Ganshui Bridge (Anzhen Bridge) Station
Ob c7@aPU0    * No. 300、302、387、731: Getting off at Anzhen Bridge Station
3{La9w"ot7Q,H0The written test venue in the morning of Mar 21st (Saturday) remains unchanged. The speaking test venue on Mar 21st (Saturday) afternoon and on Mar 22nd (Sunday) remains unchanged as well. 
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