主持人:各位网友,下午好,今天51雅思嘉宾聊天室邀请到的嘉宾是现任资深雅思培训官 David Larbalestier、启德雅思教务主管资深雅思老师 Jennifer和启德雅思总分八分学员马婷婷,欢迎你们的光临,首先请和各位网友打个招呼。 |
David Larbalestier:Hello everyone. I have arrived in Guangzhou and am ready to answer any questions you may have relating to IELTS. |
主持人:Mr. David Larbalestier,从去年以来,雅思考试进行了一系列的改革,作为资深考官,您是怎样看待雅思考试的变革呢? |
David Larbalestier:The only changes in IELTS in the last year have been in the question format fo Writing. The question has become more focused and simpler.It is now important in IELTS Wring (Academic Module) to take a "position" - to write more from personal experience and give examples from personal experience. |
David Larbalestier:The changes have been mjore for the examiner and are not so relevant for the candidate. |
David Larbalestier:There is still the plan to arrange for IELTS to be computer based. Otherwise, again the only change is for examiners. We are now being checked more closdely to ensure that we are marking to standara and that we are consistent. This is really the only change. It will make the test better - more consistent and reliable. There will be more and more students doing the test because it is njow possible to do it as many times as you want - every day if you wish! IELTS is ahppy about this because they will make more money! |
网友:您好,我是高二的学生。词汇量不是很多,每次做阅读只能做15—16个,怎样才能在提高,我想拿5.5。7月8日就要考试!亟待回复! |
David Larbalestier:It is July now! Read as much as possible and make lists of new words which you must organise by TOPIC. |
网友:专家和马婷婷,你们好!我考了两次都是5。5分 马上就要第3次了,7月22号考试。在这段时间这四项我应该怎样来复习呢?我上次的成绩是听力6。5,阅读5,写作5,口语5。谢谢你们! |
David Larbalestier:It seems you have to work on your: |
网友:老师,我去年考过一次雅思,阅读是6.5,其它是6。今年想再考一次,应该怎么复习?从哪着手? |
David Larbalestier:Please refer to the previosu question. You should have improved and consolidated your English in the last 12 months. That is a really good score and you should be proud of your achievement! Go to my web site English program: |
网友:老师,我只有大学四级的水平,我想问一下怎样在两个星期之内能够取得六分的雅思成绩? |
David Larbalestier:It is not really possible to jump a whole Band score in such a short time! Normally it takes about 400 hours of intensive study to make such an improvement! - unless you are a genius! Just settle down, study as much as possible, read extensively, practise lots of lots of tests - there are many many books on the market for IELTS, especially the ones from our university -Insearch UTS, published in China by QingHua University, Beijing. |
网友:马婷婷,祝贺你的阅读九分,请谈一下你平时是怎样学习雅思阅读的呢? |
马婷婷:我阅读只有八分哦:)阅读其实一直是我的大难题。速度跟准确度都很重要。要提高速度,首先词汇量要够,这样就可以省下猜词意的时间;其次要“眼球”转的快,那就是说,一眼扫过去,可以spot到关键词,那些the,a, an, which.....次要的词汇,即使overlook了,也可以知道文章大意。这是硬功夫,需要平时多看才能做到,我还在练习中:)平时我比较喜欢看英文的侦探小说,看英文杂志比如 businessweek等等 |
网友:你好,刚得到6月17日的成绩 阅读7 听力6.5 写作6 口语5 我想在一个月后再考,最起码要保证6 该怎样复习呀,尤其是口语都没有信心了? |
David Larbalestier:That was a shame - to get such excellent results in the other papers but only 5.0 in Speaking. I am sure if you focus on your fluency and relax while doing the test you will probably improve. You obviously have a lot of language - to get 7.0 and 6.5 is very very good really. The Speaking is disappointing! |
网友:怎样能在一个月内将口语从5提高到6呢? |
David Larbalestier:Please refer to previous answers! |
主持人:马婷婷,祝贺你在雅思考试中取得的优异成绩,请介绍一下你的情况以及你平时是怎样学习英语的。 |
马婷婷:我比较喜欢看电视电影,在看的过程中发现新的词汇,新的表达,然后把他们记下来,并且在日常生活中用上它们。平时用英文写日记,逼自己把这个星期学的单词用上。总之就是,不停input和不停output,活学活用。如果能跟你的朋友组成英文学习的小组,从他们身上发现更多更好的学习方法,效果会更好。 |
网友:您好,我上次考试已经将剑桥1-4系列做完了.8月份考试前不知道该复习哪些材料了,感觉书都做完了,没的做了!? |
David Larbalestier:The Cambridge books are excellent - they are all REAL tests, so it is a little hard to find better.The British Council actually sells more practice tests and also include material for Speaking. Our books are good and interesting - our books are published by Qinghua University Press and are available in China. They include 5 Speaking tests - real interviews with transcriptions. This is the only book on Earth which has so much material for the Speaking test! Go to our web site program too and do all the 52 epsiodes there in Series 1 and Series 2. |
主持人:Mr. David Larbalestier,通过您这么多年的在雅思方面积累的经验,您认为考生尤其是英语非母语的考生所面临的最大的问题是什么?考生又应该怎样克服呢? |
David Larbalestier:Of course it is access to native speakers - for practice and also for good advice. The teachers here are usually not native speakers, and it is sometimes hard to find native speakers to practise with. However, there are millions of Chinese who have learnt English and who are getting very high scvores in IELTS! You can do it too! It might take a little onger but it is possible! GFollow all the advice I have given below in previous answers. Go tp see films in English, learn English songs, read the English newspapers in China, especially 21st Century. These are excellent! Go to my web site and do all the episodes: |
Jennifer:据官方消息,雅思是没有专门的词汇的,如果同学们要复习的话,可以参照听说读写常考的情景而复习相应的词汇.如:听力,启德的听力名师花花总结了一些常见的听力词汇;写作,吴老师总结的十大原则词汇,大家都可以作为参考. |
网友:Insearch的课程是一种练习类的课程吗?可以通过什么地方参加,学完能考6.5吗,我需要6.5。 |
David Larbalestier:For fulkl informatioon about Insearch (our brilliant university program attached to the University of Technology Sydney - UTS) go to: |
网友:马婷婷,你感觉上培训班好还是不上培训班好? |
马婷婷:如果你自己对雅思比较了解,或者语言功底比较好,可以选择自己复习,但一定要认真且有系统.参加培训班也有一定的好处,老师会给你一些考试的技巧,模板等等,会省很多复习功夫,毕竟你是站在巨人的肩膀上的嘛!就我而言,我自己觉得参加培训班对我自己的提高很快. |
网友:马婷婷,你是从上学前就学英语的吧,是不是有一种母语的感觉? |
马婷婷:上中学就学的啦!跟大家一样!只不过我个人比较喜欢看电影,所以读大学的时候看了很多英文电影,还"变态"地把他们听写出来.有些影片我基本熟到可以背了... |
David Larbalestier:This is a complete waste of time! The questions are DIFFERENT in IELTS for every single test! Memorising one answer can only help you skills in memorising!It is better to spend your time improving you general language skills! If you memorise one answer and repeat it in the test it might not be the corect answer for that question. If we find that students are simply repeating a memorised question, then they will get 0 - zero! |
主持人:马婷婷,你的口语也考了8分,对于雅思口语水平的提高,你是怎样做的呢? |
马婷婷:我读的是英语专业,所以可能比非英语专业的同学的来说多了点优势.我自己平时除了在练听力的时候会跟读以外,还会喜欢找些话题跟同学练习.大二以后,基本上是自己跟自己练-也就是找到有趣的话题自己跟自己讲. |
David Larbalestier:All our courses at Insearch UTS are taught by very experienced teachers who are highly qualified and of course who are also native speakers! Many of these teachers are also IELTS examiners. Many of us have also written many books and good materials for the courses we deliver. We have a range of programs - 10 hour intensive test preparation, 20 hour, 40 hour and 100 hour programs - for students who hav edifferent needs and different availability. We also have specialist courses focusing on particular skiklls, such as "Writing for IELTS", "Speaking and Pronunciation" and "Grammar". Students can do a range of courses, putting together a Writing course, Grammar course, and Speaking and Pronunciation course, followed by an IELTS Preparation Course. We have evrything coverted, including TWO very big and excellent on-line courses! Insearch is the best in the world! |
网友:在雅思口语考试中,考官区分一个考生是自己组织的句子还是背诵实现准备好的句子的标准是什么,背诵是不是分数会很低,Thank you,David。 |
David Larbalestier:Usually when a student has memorised an answer they will not stop speaking until they have finished saying it all!!!!!!! Usually the answer is irrelevant too! In Part 1 of the Speaking test the answers should be short and quick. In Part 2 you have to prepare a short answer to a prompt. If the studen t ahs prepared an answer, they will start speaking immnediately! In Part 3 the questions are impossible to predict because the examiner decides how to phrase the question - it is more spontaneous. If I think you have prepared and answer i will interrupt you and change the questions! You can not win on this! IELTS will always win! |
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