

  常见话题之一 媒体广告

  How Useful is Advertising?

  One possibility that’s disturbing for people who work in the media but probably worthy of being taken more seriously is that the reason ad rates for web ads are so low is that advertising is actually much less effective than people have historically thought, and the greater measurability associated with web advertising is just revealing that fact. Check out, for example, this Ecocomics discussion of Spider-Man’s short-lived efforts to advertise on his own behalf:


  开头第一句就用了but 链接两个简单句,that's disturbing 和 worthy of being 遥相呼应,都起到了修饰possibility 的作用,表示有这样一个让媒体工作人员烦恼并且值得被关注的可能性。

  同时probably 一词用的相当巧妙!体现了学术类作文的严谨性,值得烤鸭们借鉴。

  第一句话中到第二行 is that 才出现了真正的动宾: one possibility is that ..., 有没有一种回到了雅思阅读的感觉?全篇长难句往往一句话好几行,连主谓宾都找不到?所以平时阅读的时候注意培养语感对写作也是百利而无一害。

  much less effective 和 the greater measurability 很自然的运用到了比较级,网络广告的广告价格过低是为什么呢?很显然,网络广告比较传统广告效率更低下,后面的 greater measurability 在用词上精准并且前后呼应,网络广告的效果可以更好的被量化,而量化后的数据证实了这一点。

  However, it is not likely that advertising and branding would have really altered public perception of the WebCrawler. A recent study (not sure if there is an ungated version) by Robert C. Clark of Harvard University examined a panel data set of advertising expenditures for over 300 brands in order to determine the effect on both brand awareness and perceived quality. The overall results suggest that advertising expenditures have a significant effect on awareness but no significant effect on perceived quality.


  WebCrawler 搜索引擎、网络爬虫

  ungated 闭塞的

  not sure if 十分学术的用词,增加了举例的精确性

  The overall results 很好的起到了cohesive device 的作用,衔接了此前的 a recent study,表示是study's results, 巧妙地避免了用词的重复。

  There does, however, seem to be a noted distinction once measuring the effects for different categories of products. For example, expenditures for the fast food industry had a marginal effect of 0.0144 on brand awareness and a marginal effect of 0.000727 on perceived quality (which is pretty large compared to the rest of the categories).


  There does, however, seem to be... 将 however 作为插入语起到转折作用,很好地防止了与上一段以 however 开头的重复,同时又不失转折之意,保持了全文的连贯性。

  There are some markets where upping awareness while not impacting perceived quality can be very useful. This is, I think, why car insurance constitutes such a large proportion of TV advertising. But in general, i strikes me as telling that ad agencies have historically invested a lot of energy in “wooing” clients and relatively little in developing useful metrics of their own success.


  upping 上升的

  while not impacting 用词非常地道,accurate and flexible, 是雅思9分的写法,值得模仿。一般而言,基础好一点的同学能够用动词ing 形式修饰之前的名词,但是很少会有人想到在这之前再加一个副词做限定,考试时候如果能这样活学活用一定可以闪瞎考官的大眼睛。

  I think, 作为插入语,丰富了句式,简单好学。感受下 "This is, I think, why..." VS I think that this is the reason that",尽管后一句多了几个字显得比较厚重,但是不精练不复杂,没有任何特色。


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