

  1.Do you think it's better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

  I think it’s better to buy your own home if you can afford to do that.Buying your own home is a better investment in the long term, because you can sell the home and perhaps even make a profit on it. The alternative is to pay rent to a landlord who can ask you to leave at any moment.


  剖析:题中有better,就要用响应的表达来回覆。better确切不好替代,那末就从缘由的角度剖析,给出相干辞汇a better investment,并用the alternative来连接和对照。构造总结:回应问题 诠释(缘由/来由) 替代挑选的状况(对照)。



  2.Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?

  I’m not sure what the ‘right’ age would be, but I do agree with the principle that young adults should try to live alone if they can. For some people, the right age is when they get their first full-time jobs and can afford to pay rent, and for others it's when they start university and move into a hall of residence with other students. This was what happened in my case: I moved out of the family home at age 18 when I started university.


  剖析:题中有agree,回覆时要表明本身的立场,开首句的否认回覆使表态句更有条理。构造总结:回应问题 诠释(分类) 个人例子(经由过程举例运用了过去时态表现)

  3.How do you think the design of homes will change in the future?

  I don't think there will be much change in terms of what houses look like from the outside. In this country, people still like traditional brick or stone houses. Having said that, the design of apartment blocks will probably continue to develop, with more and more experimental or futuristic buildings made of glass and metal. I imagine that it will be the insides of homes that change the most; houses will no doubt be full of technological devices to make our lives easier. Maybe we'll have things like voice-controlled doors, lights and appliances.


  剖析:题中有in the future,要注意将来时的运用以及将来与如今或过去的对照。构造总结:回应问题 具体化(先说一个轻易想到的现实来给本身时候思索更多思绪,说了砖和石头,天然就想到接着说玻璃和金属) 看法1(外部) 看法2(内部) 拓展。




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