BCP 2001——Need to Work Hard to Polish English Skills Now?

  今天我们将为您刊登有关怎样提高英语交流能力的内容 ——

  As we suggested in the last BCP2001 Newsletter, shop wisely
so we can save time for more important tasks, one of which is to
further improve our English skills. Is it really necessary? Sure!

  No matter how high your GRE or TOEFL scores are, or you have
worked with Americans for years, believe me, you will still feel
overwhelmed in the first few months in the US! Considering
Chinese's English ability, foreigners in China tend to speak
English in simple words and at a low speed. To a student pool of
Americans, Europeans, Indians..., your professors needn't care
about their speaking speed, slang usage, terms, and jokes with
culture background. Also your American pals will ask you
questions about China, which could be no easy to explain in

  Meanwhile, it will be your first time in life that you have
to finish so much readings and write papers in English. For some,
they will need to read 100 pages and write 2-3 papers per week.
More or less your English is Chinglish. Though Chinese can
understand it easly, your professor could be so confused that he
would give you a C.

  To get rid of the potential frustration earlier, practice
English from now on!

  Read, read and read! Read good English articles written by
Americans. In "BeBeyond Daily Readings" we select well-written
and interesting articles mainly from New York Times, the best
media in the US. Persist to read one article per day and learn
not only the writing structure and usages, but the culture and
society information as well. Little by little, you will see the

  Write, write and write! Practice makes perfect. Written
English is the weakest part in Chinese English Education and
there is no shortcut to it. From now on, try to think in
English: write down your thoughts on whatever topics you think
of, discuss on issues from different argument angles. To make
sure your thoughts are fully understood, show your writing to
friends or discuss with friends.

  Tips: Forum is the best place to have such interactive

  The harder you work on improving English skills, the easier
your future life will be.

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