不过,幸好一推门,又看到昨天那张灿烂的笑脸,原来又是昨天给我们监考的那位可爱的英国老太太,估计60左右。很cute,amiable。让人很relax。她对我有印象,因为昨天考试我做第一排,她greeding我之后,还跟我说nice to see you again。她然后让我带上mic,就开始录音。她先问我叫什么,可以怎么称呼我,我说michele。然后就问我工作还是学习,我说我在大学学习,还自报家门,说我的专业是学英语的。接着她就问我,为什么学英语,喜欢吗?我就说以前不是很make sure自己喜欢什么,但后来学上拉,就fanscinated上拉。接着,她又问,你怎么organize your study time?我说在大学里很多自己支配的时间,我大部分是在图书馆里度过的,看我喜欢的originals。接着,又问,我对fashion和clothe的看法,我胡乱一答,说很重要啦,我说我喜欢causal的衣服,etc.她说你不喜欢什么样的衣服。我说formal的,feel restricted,but i know in future, i have to wear such kind of clothes, in some occasions, so now just enjoy the freedom,然后她就朝我笑。接着她又问,我最喜欢一年中哪个festival,我就胡说,儿童节,她就说是哪天,结果我把那个june,没说顺。接着,她说这个节日为什么重要。我就开始胡说拉,说什么对小孩子,很特别,enjoy more fun at that day, for me own part, it reminds me of the innoncent days and innerside , i am still a childso whenever it comes to Children's day, i will ask my parents to celebrate for me, if they don't, i will celebrate for myself, i think i may celebrate it till i am 60 years old.然后她就大笑。接着,就问人们接受new idea 难吗?我就说,it depends on different type of people, for those original people , it is easy for them to accepte, but for the steretyped , it is hard for them to accept, as they are afaid of losing sth when they changes.然后,她说你有什么好的ways to persuade others to accept new ideas.我的脑子有点晕。就开始胡说,可以自己用各种方法解释,说服他。。。
然后就给我topic个,是desrcibe an important innovation before the age of computer.(what is it? what is people used for?what are the advantages and disadvantages of it?)我说是color tv set,(实在不知说什么好。)我说可以让我们更多的了解世界,color our life,a good company for old people,disadvantage 就是容易上瘾,etc.接着她就问,你能describe an inventor before the age of computer?天天,我就在brain storming,不知说谁好。就说加利略。很牵强,说他是a kind of thery inventor, fall free,insisted truth he believed....你觉得young和old有不同?我是的,然后窃喜,以前背过个精彩的句子:the young has a glorious future after them, and the old one has a splendid future behind them.结果结果,我竟然我那个after 和behind给说倒了,真晕!!!我看她好象不太听懂,接着就在自圆其说。她又说,你要是发明一样东西,是发明给young还是old,我说是old(有点取悦她拉,嘿嘿)我说young 还有美好的未来,old has experienced so many joys and sorrows of life...etc,然后她就会心的笑,到她心坎里拉:)她又问发明在社会起到的作用,还有将来,发明家应该在哪个领域应该更应用发明?我说还是信息领域,然后,胡说番,最后说no matter what they invent,they should focus on the benefits of the whold hunman being .然后她就对我说,thanks you very much,原来interview结束啦,好快呀。她说,你可以enjoy a happy weekend,(难道有啥暗示,嘿嘿。还好没跟我说see you^0^)我说thanks for your time,thanks very much。然后拿起身份正就溜了。
整个过程还算顺畅的,为什么她连我从哪来得,都没问,什么hobby之类的,全部都是抽象的问题。不过总算,这场战役算是打完拉。祝其他的考友 一切顺利!!
※来源: 【51雅思社区】.
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