发贴: coco_x(cappuccino)
等在外面的时候,对面考室出来一个温柔到极点的金发大帅哥,优雅地把坐在外面的女孩请了进去,关门的一刹那,我还听见他温和的说:Good morning! Sit down ,please!声音柔到我心里都舒坦了很多,暗暗祈祷我也要遇到温柔帅哥才好啊!终于,一个漫长的世纪过去了,前面那位GG开门出来。我马上抬头,打算打听一下情况,谁知他看都没有看我一眼,砰的一声关上门,扭头大步流星,忿忿的走掉了。我心里咯噔一下,马上有了不祥的预感。
一分钟后,有人开门,是个头发微秃,更年期年纪的中年男子。他一开门就一幅公事公办的样子说:Sit down!然后我努力微笑着让自己不要被他吓到。可在当我的屁股离椅子还有0.01公分的时候,他居然就已经打开了录音机!而当他自己的屁股离椅子还有0.01公分的时候,他已经把他叫什么什么哇啦哇啦说完了,我只听见个My name is…后面就都不知道了。
念完我的ID CARD之后,他把右脚放在左腿上(呈三角架型),沉着个脸,问我的名字。我马上就心虚了:莫非我欠他钱?我打算趁着这个机会跟他好好交流沟通一下,可他一点不领情,我刚讲完大名,正想说英文名,轻松一下,他马上打断我,接着问题就噼里啪啦一个接一个的来了:
1.Where do you come from?
2.Do you work or a student?(哼,他也有语法错误!)
3.What is your major?
4.Why did you choose it?
5.Do you like learning new things?
6.Do you learn any new things recently?
7.Which do you think is better for you to learn new things, by yourself or by a teacher?
8.Do you collect something or do you know somebody collect things?
9.Why do people collect things?
10.If you’re going to collect something ,what will you collect? Why?
A invention before the computer.
You must say:
1.What is it?
2.What is the use of it?
3.What is the advantage and disadvantage of it?
1.Sometimes people are afraid of new ideas,why?(俺回答他们是afraid of change,他又问一遍,俺只好答了个其他的,结果他说,总的来说应该是afraid of change 吧,ft!)
2.When do people get new ideas?
3.Can you describe the processing of a new idea from original to the real product?
4.If a good friend of you got a new idea which can earn a lot of money, but you don’t think it’s a good idea, will you join her?(我说我会跟她discuss,跟她讲明我的观点,让她改进她的idea,考官不死心,继续问)
5.What if she still insist on her idea, and you still can’t agree with her, will you join her?(我说那就算了,不过我不会join,他还不死心,接着来)
6.What if you’re very good friends,just like the real sisters?(死鬼子,真罗嗦,我只好又重申了一遍,他终于松口)
7.Do you get any new idea that can make our life better?(!我苦笑着说,暂时没有考虑这么多,他也笑了,从我进门第一次笑!!!然后安慰我说,ok,if you have ,tell your friends to help you!因为之前在第三问时我讲了new idea 的产生需要friends 的帮助)
唉,煎熬终于结束了,我感觉不大妙,希望这位先生昨晚没有跟老婆打越洋电话吵架才好啊!出来看见我后面那位难兄难弟正痴痴等在门口,我同情地拍了一下他的肩,道了一声:Good luck!
※来源: 【51雅思社区】.
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