一个体态娇小,黄发的中年妇女打开门微笑着问do u have mobilephone?
我说i switched it.
1. -r u a student or do u work
-i'm a student of ningbo college, and
-plz go on introducing ur study
- and my major is... this is my last term in the college,so...
-what subjects in ur major, which do u like best and which do u dislike
-there are marketing, financial accounting,statistic.....
i like marteting because...
and dislike statistic since....
2.-now let's talk about housework, how about the housework in ur family
-er...usually my mother does the housework. sometimes my father helps her
with the housework. i always find excuse to escape from the housework.
-what do u think is the hardest housework
-for i have no practice and experence, in my opinion washing clothes is the hardest
cue card:
a piece of equipment that i find it useful
what is it, why do u think it is useful, when did u got it
接过绿色卡片看了题后,想走运,不是什么season of china/competition between ...
阐述三个观点后,她好象直接进入PART3问new technology,也没追加问题,
在part 2的presentation后,她直接问-
-what's ur opinion about new technology equipment
-it is useful in people's daily life...
and also useful in workplace....
-is there any other new technology equipment in ur home
-err....er...maybe dvd or vcds
-do u think most family have the new tech equipment
-yeah, because there's a vcd shop in the community, so i think...
-why do u think it is useful
-people can see disks at home instead of going to cinema
-what's the difference between the old and young people to accept new tech....
-in my opinion, old people always accept new...slowly because of their poor memory maybe, and some of the old maybe refuse to accept it because of some old ideas.
-what's the difference attitude between u and ur parents toward new.....
-well..i would like to use new..., but they would like to use old equipment like tv,radio
-is there any negtive effect of new tech equipment
-yeah.....i think the safety problem. nowadays there r many hackers, they can enter
ur computer and break the data. so i think it's better to use old mass media
-newspaper and magazine
-ok, that's the end of the test
-it's nicing talking to u
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