今天我是第一个考的,9点啊。我一早就到了华师大,一听到叫我的号我就冲进去了一看口试的是一老头很和蔼的样子蛮象KFC的那个头像的。因为我是KFC的FAN,所以感觉很轻松。一开始他问了一些常规的东东,工作拉,在哪读的书啊等等,SECTION 2了他拿出了试题我一看就了是 about animals 的我可不喜欢动物,我自己都顾不过来呢,还养啥宠物?。没办法,瞎编吧,我想阿狗阿猫没啥讲头太平常了吧,不知被人讲了N遍了再说我这方面也没准备过,就是讲这估计也比不上别人的,HOW CAN I DO?我决定讲了怪的吓唬吓唬这老头,我就说我养过老鼠果不出我所料,那个KFC HEAD的眼睛一下瞪大了很希奇的样子我心里甚得意,着了我的道了吧然后我一通胡诌反正他很有兴趣的。SECTION 3了,他又乱问我ANIMAL的事,一会儿动物关在动物园好不好拉,一会儿你喜欢啥凶猛的动物拉等等,烦死了。好不容易来了个关于衣服的事,嗯,8错不过这时我还摆摆谱装模作样的说,'Oh, this is a hard question to say because I do not pay due attention to it. But in my opinion......'来显示我虽然不感兴趣仍然有不错的观点。再后来,我们BYE BYE 了又有力滴握了握手,最后,我飘然而去。
I am the fourth one in the afternoon and in the same exam central as the upfloor one, the interviewer's name is BI, he is a kind gentleman, and my topic is abt Building, we discussed this issue a lot, anyway, i hold an optimistic state of my coming score in terms of the performance in the interview. last, wish all of the guys will take the ielts test in the coming days get a satisfied score and do not forget, keep confidence is very importand , additionally, be more talktive, and let ur conversation at an ease environment going, best wished to u guys!!
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