
The New 9-Band Marking Criterion for IELTS Speaking
Band 9
s2?EP S"FRo8I0         uses a full range of pronunciation features with precision and subtlety
fkJ0y1c0         sustains flexible use of features throughout
I4IR&x5QBP0         is effortless to understand中国雅思网 r/bZ,P(|aKSG)_)M
Band 8
)^ ~3h,?*h.UKL%i0         uses a wide range of pronunciation features
/?+~tgl#H,JlIZ0         sustains flexible use of features, with only occasional lapses中国雅思网 XlW5U#Y+jXydw
         is easy to understand; L1 accent has minimal effect on intelligibility中国雅思网YJL"S ?.Q
Band 7
%A*{7b"Z[#h0         shows all the positive features of band 6 and some; but not all the positive features of band 8中国雅思网9iD/@:T-T:ry
Band 6中国雅思网5Zp4bSt&J
         uses a range of pronunication features with mixed control中国雅思网{SQN$Y4HD!Vp
         shows some effective use of features, but this is not sustained
A9}$EZ3M0         can generally be understood througout, though mispronunication of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times.中国雅思网.f tzP"l#z
Band 5
.W qf%umU m1u0         shows all the positive features of band 4 and some, but not all the positive features of band 6中国雅思网D;b(`"UO[|
Band 4
VOz G xZ/d0         uses a limited range of pronunication features中国雅思网&gfhK.M+z|
         attempts to control features, but lapses are frequent
-Xs^uo;pC0         mispronunciations are frequent and cause some difficulty for the listener
s2z;tQ!P(e}.q:{l0Band 3中国雅思网Zcn@ i/z
         shows al lthe positive features of band 2 and some, but not all the positive features of band 4
$x{B%uy(XT ES0Band 2中国雅思网4Bd-O"v:Sbl*J
        speech is often unintelligible
(c)c5gxC$T[:^eL0Band 1中国雅思网v3NRH&AU%FY*B2pG
         no communication possible
0^5y{*Dr7H2M0         no rateable language中国雅思网}6N8Y?P
Band 0
:J'a8_(uz0         does not attend中国雅思网;ik5i2r7Y%u

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