掏出张生那封信,回头环视见梳妆台上的梳妆盒,眼睛一转,心里说有了,将信放了进去,合上盖时故意压了一角露在外面。 Rose took out Zhang's letter, she thought, “It would be better to put it in her make-up case, and letter find it herself.” So she put the letter in the case, leaving a corner of it sticking out, so that it would be quickly noticed. 不难看出,译文与原文相去甚远,互不吻合,成了“两张皮”。 你已经死在过深的怨愤里了吗? 死?不,不,我还活着—— 请给我以火,给我以火! Have you perished in this deep rancor and bitterness Death No, no. I'm still alive. Please give me a light, give me a light!
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