





学了英语后,我们也会遇到许多英语的“疑难解答“,所以学好怎么说“I don’t know”说不定就能成为你的救命法宝。今天,我们的外教老师就来和你谈一谈这句话有哪10种说法。

“I don't know”

Sometimes somebody asks you a question and you don't know the answer. Here are some phrases that you can use when you don't know.

Expressions to Use

1. Sorry. I don't know.


2. (I'm afraid,) I've no idea.


3. (Sorry,) I can't help you there.


Using these phrases we can use either 'sorry' or 'I'm afraid'. These phrases are quite polite.

For example:

I’m afraid I don’t know where London is.

Sorry, I can’t help you.

4. I don't know anything about..(cooking)


5. I don't know the first thing about (cooking)


These common phrases are saying that you don't know the answer and that you don't know about the whole topic area (cooking).

For example:

I don't know anything about football.

I don’t know the first thing about Italian food.

6. I haven't got a clue.


7. Search me.


The phrases here are saying (more strongly) that you don't know anything about the topic.

For example:

I haven’t got a clue what stocks to buy now.

“Do you know where my phone is?” “Search me.

8. Don't ask me.


9. What are you asking me for?


If you say “Don’t ask me.” you are probably a little angry that somebody asked you a question about this topic.

For example:

A: “What does this word mean?”

B: “Don’t ask me / What are you asking me for, there’s a teacher over there.”

10. How the hell should I know?


Showing stronger anger that somebody asked you about a certain topic.

For example:

A: “What time is my class?”

B: “How the hell should I know what time your class is!”


1. Sorry. I don't know.


2. (I'm afraid,) I've no idea.


3. (Sorry,) I can't help you there.


4. I don't know anything about..(cooking)


5. I don't know the first thing about (cooking)


6. I haven't got a clue.


7. Search me.


8. Don't ask me.


9. What are you asking me for?


10. How the hell should I know?



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