

  1. Why do you think advertising influences what people buy verystrongly?

  Advertising is a very powerful tool in the media. Because many people donot have the real knowledge of the product, most of the time they rely on mediafor information, which they think is trustworthy.

  2. Do you think advertising creates a need that otherwise wouldn'texist?

  Definitely, if there is no advertising, consumers will not realize certainproducts exist so they will not buy it. With advertising, consumers areintroduced to products and will be stimulated to make purchases.

  3. Can you give me an example of advertising that you don't like?

  Yes, I don't like advertising targeting at children. I think children aretoo young to make a rational decision. Children are most easily influenced bywhat they see on the advertisement. I think this is not healthy for children andeven a headache for parents if the kids always pester their parents to buythings for them.


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