2016年1—4月雅思口语话题精解:describe an interesting animal

摘要:2016年1—4月雅思口语话题精解: a time of seeing an interesting animal。这是一个门槛并不高的part2问题,关键在于要从自己的生活中去提炼故事,从一个动物出发,讲它的有趣,而不要去从有趣出发,去讲一个动物。有点拗口?那么请看正文吧。

An interesting animal

Describe a time of seeing an interesting animal

you should say:

what the animal was

when and where you saw it

what it was doing when you saw it

and explain how you felt about it




说到这儿,大家应该知道我的一个思路了。题目定的是一个有趣的动物,而不是非常搞怪,让人彻底无语的非主流动物。大家千万不要往那个“有趣”的方向上无限的整,搞得你不讲一个对方完全没见识过的eye-opening动物,不肯罢休似的。但是你有没有想过,以我们这比较捉急的英语口语的描述能力,你能把一个别人不了解的动物的可爱之处讲得栩栩如生,如睹真容么?好,你可以做一个实验,试着用英文描述一下你今天穿的一身衣服,然后写下来,看看凭着文字能否跟你的整个穿着比较好的匹配。个人的经历,口语part2最可怕的就是遇到describe a beautiful building/describe a piece of art这种题目,因为你需要具体地去描述一个事物,它的大小,构造,特征。这个时候,你就会知道为什么我们以前的比较开明的英语老师,在讲记单词的时候,建议我们要记它的英文解释。为什么呢,因为这就是在单词的层面上锻炼你对事物的英文描述能力。可惜的是,我们大都略过了。

所以,我今天要讲的的动物是猫。因为本人新近猫奴一枚(自从收养了一直流浪猫,就过上了幸福的新生活了)。跟其他动物相比,我对猫是最了解的,也是最有发言能力的。而我需要做的就是把很ordinary的一只猫讲得有趣就行了。这个嘛,对于一个猫奴来讲,难度有,但是相比较其他的各种珍禽异兽来说,还是要低得多,因为a familiar topic is the best topic。





I am ever a cat slave since the watchful little kitty spot me lost in the street and was kind enough to take me home and allow me to live with him. From that fateful day on, (oh by the way, it was around 3 months ago) my life has gone through a great change and is coming to find a new meaning: loyalty.

He calls himself “jianjian” because in Chinese “jian” means “pick”, which obviously is to commemorate his good Samaritan act towards me. So I will share stories about some daily routines in our love-hate relationship.

He is a ginger cat, good looking. It took him several days to examine my capability of being a good servant by hiding from me under the far corner of the bed, the wardrobe or anything that I can’t reach. I called, I pleaded and I beg, but it didn’t work at all. All I got was his icy and sullen voice: get lost. Not until I knelt down before him like a devoted believer and prayed for his acceptance of me did him show up and give me an internship as his man.

Our living-together life is for most part great and I can’t complain much. But there truly something I want to vent out: Jianjian really gets a vulgar taste about which water to drink. I scatter several plates of boiled water or spring water in the house in the hope that he will choose. But the top three water choices are water from toilet bowl, from footbath and from sink. Every time he drinks that water with his cute tongue like a horse ignorant of my plea.

After many sleepless nights with him during our failed trials of sleeping together, I was forced to let him sleep in the dining room. But the thing is, every night when it is time for me to place him in the bed in the dinning room, he seems to feel it and refuse it. So he will play hide and seek like crazy with me in the living room. Sometimes I win and it cost me one to two hours sleep time, sometimes I lose and he will sleep on my chest like a rock and wake me in the early morning.

You know today I waked up from a sweet dream by almost unbearable scratch sound on my room door, and I peacefully drowned out my inner voice: go kill the bugger, put on my smiling face while feed him, and then set out. And I know what Jianjian will do to his territory for sure: upset every bottle of flowers, empty every trash bin and spoil all foods he can reach, finally, and turn the house into a great adventure land.








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