雅思口语备考必备高频Part2解析+参考答案--A Party you attend

摘要:大家知道,Part 2的话题是时间最长的,需要考生回答大约一分半钟到两分钟。为了避免考场上抽到答题卡无言以对,备考时我们需要多做一些准备。在准备的时侯多看一些具有代表性的参考答案,以便考试时用于相关的话题。

对于雅思口语Part 2来说,复习时多准备一些素材是百利无一害的。Part 2部分是比较考验考生口语水平的,通常需要1-2分钟的回答时间。同学们在备考阶段一定需要多积累一些口语话题,避免考试时因为紧张,不熟悉导致不知道说什么。本文跟大家分享Part 2常见话题“A Party”,希望对大家有帮助!


Describe a party that you attended.

You should say:

what's the type of the party

where did it take place

who attended the party

and describe some of the common features of the party.


关于“a party”这个话题卡,你可以自由然论任何一次party。很明显,他没有限定party的类型。


1.关于派对的类型:这个范围很宽广,朋友或家人的生日派对(自己的生日派对也可以)。还有新年派对,闺蜜/ 朋友之间的聚会;某个人,某个事件的庆功宴,结婚典礼,甚至包括你参加的某次商业酒会,公司年会等等,都可以是你描述的对象。




Sample answer:

The party I'd like to describe is the New Year eve party that I attended 2 years back. Our University friends invited me to join the party and I had to contribute some amount for that. The party held on a 3 star hotel where the teachers, students and their relatives attended.

On the New Year eve one of my friends gave me a call and then I picked up a taxi to reach the hotel. The name of the hotel was (..say a name you prefer...) and it was a beautiful hotel in our city. After I reach the hotel I found that it has been gorgeously decorated with lights. Our party was in the 2nd floor and I found most of my friends and some of the teachers already enjoying the party.

A local music band was singing and people were wearing mostly party dresses. We enjoyed the party a lot and ate several local and foreign dishes. We started counting down the time at 11:59 pm and when the clock ticked at 12:00, we started shouting with the New Year wishes. We stayed at the party till 2.00 am and all those time we enjoyed our time every way possible.

Related cue cards:

1.Describe a birthday celebration you did recently.

2.Describe an occasion where you met new people.

3.Describe a wedding party you attended.

4. Describe a party that you threw for your friends.

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