雅思口语Part2范文语料库:A place you visited that has been affected by pollution

摘要:本文为大家带一篇雅思口语Part2的范文,题目是A place you visited that has been affected by pollution,描述一个已经被污染了的地方,详情见文章。

雅思口语机经里的一道题A place you visited thathas been affected by pollution,最便捷的一个思路,就是before/after策略。考雅思口语时候我们随便找个旅游城市,然后说说它跟记忆里的不同就好啦!比如什么西湖啦,什么香格里拉啦,什么大明湖畔啦……


The place I’ve been to that has been polluted is Dalian, which is a coastal city in the northeast of China.

I first went there when I was in primary school. In my memory, it was a place with refreshing breeze, crystal clear ocean and lively beach. So I’ve always had a great affection forthat city. However, I went back there a couple of months ago during summer vacation, and all the good memories were ruined.

When I arrived at the train station, I was stunned/shocked by the piles of garbage scattered all over the place. And it was a windy day, so I could see plastic bags flying in the air. The sky was not as blue as I remembered either. I was a little disappointed, to be honest. I tired to comfort myself, I kept saying that’s fine ‘cause there would still be the lovely beach and ocean. But it turned out that bigger disappointment was waiting for me.

When I got to the beach, it was even more terrible. There was dirty oil floating on the surface of the seawater, and no one was swimming. I remembered there used to be small crabs under rocks along the beach, but I didn’t see any of them that time. I was told, a few weeks earlier, an oil tanker spilled tons of oil in that area, killing numerous seabirds, fishes, crabs and other marine animals.

It was heartbreaking really, ‘cause it used to be such a lovely city. And I believe the tourism industry would be seriously affected.



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