2016年4月最新雅思口语part3地点类话题范文--Describe historic buildings

摘要:今天和大家分享雅思口语part3中地点类话题的范文讲解,主要涉及5个问题:1.Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?2.Is the history useful for the coming generations? Why?3.What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?4.What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?5.Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?一起来看!


1.Historic preservation is a movement in planning designed to conserve old buildings and areas in an effort to tie a place's history to its population and culture. It is also an essential component to green building in that it reuses structures that are already present as opposed to new construction. Additionally, historic preservation can help a city become more competitive because historic, unique buildings give areas more prominence when compared to the homogeneous skyscrapers that dominate in many large cities.

movement 这里最好翻译成举动

essential 必要的 component 组成部分

reuses structures 复用结构

preservation 保存 competitive 有竞争力的

prominence 突出 homogeneous 这里翻译成相似的

2.Like many movements in planning and urban design, historic preservation has had a number of criticisms though. The largest is the cost. While it might not be more expensive to renovate old buildings instead of building new, the historic buildings are often smaller and therefore cannot accommodate as many businesses or people. This raises rents and forces lower income uses to relocate. In addition, critics say the popular style of newer high rise buildings can cause the smaller, old buildings to become dwarfed and undesirable.

renovate 更新 accommodate 容纳

relocate 搬迁 critic 评论家

dwarf 显得矮小 undesirable 不受欢迎


3.Another reason people keep buying bigger and bigger homes is because no one tells them not to. The mantra of the culture again comes calling, “buy as much and as big as possible.” They believe the lie and choose to buy a large home only because that’s “what you are supposed to do” when you start making money… you buy nice, big stuff.

mantra 这个单词有咒语的意思,放在文中语境翻译成口号



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