雅思口语Part2多版本范文:Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in

5月份是雅思口语的换题季,题库中又多了一些考试题目,所以,雅思频道第一时间为大家带来2016年5~8月雅思口语题库中的新增题目的范文以及语料,赶快来看一下吧!今天为大家带来的Part2题目是:Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in.

You should say:

What it was about

When you saw/heard the news

Where you saw/heard the news

and explain why it was interesting.


I'd like to share a interesting news that happened in my place. I watched a video clip provided by a local TV station a couple of days ago. You know, I hate that local news are always monotonous simply because I grow up in a place called copper mine. What can they talk about? Just those improvement in mining and increase in revenue.

However, this time they are doing something really amazing. As I mentioned, the place I lived is mining area, of course, the pollution is a big problem. The superiors of this state-owned-business was working on addressing the river, the color of which has became yellow, and give off unpleasant smell. They use limestone hoping to get rid of the acid. It works. But the river just refused to get back clear. In the news, the head of the mining company said we are furious about this. This is actually what he originally said. He announced we decided to invest 1 billion to introduce a new purify approach. What they are doing seems to introduce a new breed of bacteria which can break down the organic matter that make the water turbid.

Why I think it’s interesting is that the word “furious” he used. It’s rare to hear an official use that word, I was expecting a neutral word ‘disappointed’ or things like that. Also, it's disturbing to think a new breed of bacteria is replicating exponentially in that river which I see everyday.


Last summer I saw a news on the net which is very interesting and encourage.

In my hometown surrounded with some rural area where is very poor.the young man in there are not satisfied wither living condition,so they move to big city looking for good employment opportunities,but they don't have any skills to earn money,so they study electrical weld in a vocational school.After they graduate they came to Austrialian by labor service export.they are hard working ,energetic, and gradually received faith form their local employer.Finally they become the Australian Permanent Resident.The salary they earn is enough to afford their house onwership,and they have extra money monthly send back to china for their parents.When this news first appear in china,that vocational school become very popular,and many people want to study in it.Now these guys working and living happily in Australian.

When the first time I heard this news,I felt very interesting but felt more encouragement from it,they came from poor family but had changed their life through their affort ,their spirit deserve all of us to learn it.


Well,I do have an exciting piece of news to tell and I believe it was a miracle(奇迹) in the sport history. The news was that on May 2nd, 2016,Leicester City Football Club(莱斯特城足球俱乐部) won the Premier League(英超联赛) and became the champions of England.

It was so hard for me to sleep on two o'clock before drawn(互无胜负的) after receiving this piece of news. 1 tried to tell everyone in my family about this miracle. I wanted to share with my friends and colleagues whether they were soccer fans or not. I was ready to tell the most astonishing(令人吃惊的) underdog story in sports history I ever heard.

Why this news is exciting and Why it is a miracle. Because during the past 132 years Leicester City Football Club never won the Premier League once. Leicester City was never a strong team before and the team was almost demoted(被降级) last year. At the start of this year,bookmakers offered incredible(不可思议的) odds of 5000-1 on Leicester City winning the Premier League. Also the coach(教练) for Leicester City had never won any major league before. In addition,the entire(整个) Leicester City team players'market value was only equal to one well-known player's market value in some bigger teams. No one believed they could beat those bigger clubs and ranked the first.However, in the ending of season this underdog, Leicester City won the league and became the champions.

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