5月雅思口语Part2多版本范文:Describe an interesting story you saw on TV

5月份是雅思口语的换题季,题库中又多了一些考试题目,所以,雅思频道第一时间为大家带来2016年5~8月雅思口语题库中的新增题目的范文以及语料,赶快来看一下吧!今天为大家带来的Part2题目是:Describe an interesting story you saw on TV

You should say:

what the story was

when you watched it

who was in the story

and explain why you remember it


I'm pretty sure everyone got a clue of what "The Terminator" is about.

The story is about the war between Human and Cyborgs: A terminator is sent from the future to prevent John Connor being borned. John Connor is the leader of those who fight against the terminators. The terminator's job is then to hunt down the mother of the leader, Sarah Connor.

I first saw the film version at the age of six or seven and unsurprisingly it confused me. A few years later I caught it again on Television and loved it. I was browsing through New Oriental School's video stores a few months ago and it caught my eye and brought me back to childhood.

This is the most groundbreaking action TV back in the day. The story develops quickly and each character is different. I watched closely to understand what's happening and there's no way you could fall asleep.There are good performances and tons of humorous bits throughout the episodes that lighten up such a suspenseful, frightening story.

"Terminator" is an impressive masterpiece because it offers me food for meditation. Science now performs miracles like the gods of old, creating life from blood cells, or bacteria, or a spark of metal. But those are perfect creatures. And in that way, they couldn't be less human. We appreciate beauty, create art, obviously we all have weak moments, moments where we lose faith. But it's our flaws, our weaknesses, that make us human. There are things machines will never do.


Well, a few weeks ago, I watched a funny story on TV with my little cousin. She's about ten years old and likes watching children channel. There's a program which broadcasts short funny stories. The story was about a father and his son brought their donkey to the town. At first, they walked with the donkey and people laughed at them because they could ride it instead of walking with it. Then the son rode it. A few minutes later, people judged the son because the father, who was very old, should rode it. So the father rode it. Again, people said the father was cruel. Then both of them rode it. So the father rode it. Again, people said the father was cruel. Then both of them rode the donkey. You know what? People started to express their sympathy for the donkey. The father and his son had to tie the donkey and carried it. It was a funny story because the actors performed it in an exaggerated way.

My cousin said that if she were the son, she'd let her father rode the donkey and walked with them. She wouldn't care about commons from other people. I guess that's the intention of the program, you know, to make children think about solutions of different problems by broadcasting short funny stories.

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