雅思口语P2多版本范文:Describe the first time you communicated with someone in a foreign language

摘要:雅思口语换题季来啦!今天为大家带来的是很多考生已经在苦苦寻找的2016年5月~8月雅思口语题库新增的一道Part2的题目、范文和语料,Describe the first time you communicated with someone in a foreign language,描述一次你和别人用外语交流的经历。大家赶快来看一下吧!

5月份是雅思口语的换题季,题库中又多了一些考试题目,所以,雅思中国网雅思频道第一时间为大家带来2016年5~8月雅思口语题库中的新增题目的范文以及语料,赶快来看一下吧!今天为大家带来的Part2题目是:Describe the first time you communicated with someone in a foreign language.

You should say:

When and where it happened

Who you talked to

What you talked about

And explain how you felt about communicating in a foreign language


I remember the first time I talk with other people in English happened when I was a middle school student. One day, my mom heard from her colleagues that there was an English Corner that would be held twice a month near our apartment. So she encouraged me to go for practicing English-speaking skills. Actually, I was not willing to do that. But finally I forced myself toward it because I know it was a good chance to communicate with foreigners.When I arrived there, a guy came over to me with warm smile. He started to introduce himself and showed his friendliness. And I was embarrassed and gave him response concisely, because I knew my oral English may not be good enough to cope with the following conversation. Surprisingly, he showed me his understanding to me that English is not my mother tongue and inspired me to speak out. Thus I used my poor words to chat with him for a while and he always listened to me patiently. Although he cannot be called a friend in my life, he really helped me in English learning. Otherwise, I also started to understand that if you want to learn something new, you must be brave and go towards it.


The first time I used a foreign language was actually pretty funny. When I was in high school, I attended a summer camp in London, and our school arranged homestays for us in order to help us learn the language and customs. We were so thrilled about that trip and most of us just couldn’t get to sleep on the plane, even though it was an exhausting 15-hour flight. I remember by the time we arrived at our homestay family, it was early in the morning, but due to the jet lag, everyone was drowsy. And I drank a lot of coffee on the way, so I needed to use the bathroom badly. It was a three-story house, there’s no way I could find the bathroom myself. So I asked the mother in the family where the bathroom was, but she led me to a room with a bathtub but no toilet. I was confused. But I suddenly remembered there are minor language differences between American English and British English, so I thought maybe that was one of them. I got out of the “bathroom” and racked my brains trying to find a word better than “pee”, ‘cause I guess “I want to pee.” is not a proper thing to say to a stranger. But I really couldn’t think of anything other than that, so I just went ahead and said “Excuse me, where can I pee?” And she took me to a room on the second floor. So that was the first time that I communicated with a foreigner, and as you can see, it was a little embarrassing. But once I get to know the language and their customs better, everything just went much smoother.


Well, it was probably last September, I suddenly craved for going abroad to study. I immediately realize that I had to say goodbye to my none-speaking English. From the time I started to learn English till then, I had few chance to actually use a language. I’m used to practicing multiple choice or reading some articles. But the first time that I used a foreign language to communicate was on that day when I downloaded a APP named KK talkee.

This app allows its users to have a video talk with the host. I remembered I decided to talk with a female host named Veronica. I was then put into a queue waiting. I was really scared when there was only one ahead of me and I was about to speak in 3 min. My heart rate was accelerating and I began to sweat. When it was my turn, I greeted her with ‘how are you?’ and then bombarded her with a bunch of questions, which are quite isolated from each other. I remembered I asked what kind of sports she liked. Hardly had she finished, I jumped to another topic, asking her how old she was. However, there was a method to my madness, I simply didn't want to be caught clumsy so I kept asking questions, not giving her any chance to ask me. In all, it was a really memorable experience.

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