雅思口语考官范文Part2--Describe a future plan which is not related to work or study

摘要:本文为大家带来雅思口语考官写的Part2口语范文,题目是Describe a future plan which is not related to work or study ,描述一个关于工作和学习的未来的计划。考官范文表达地道,用词准确,相信会对大家的备考有所帮助,赶快来看一下吧!

今天为大家带来英国雅思考官的高分Part2口语范文,题目是Describe a future plan which is not related to work or study. You should say

- what the plan is

- when you thought of the plan

- who is involved in the plan

- and say how you think you will achieve the plan.


1.I’m going to talk about a future plan that I have, which is to buy a good camera and to become a better photographer. At the moment I’m just using the camera on my mobile phone, but I’ve realised that it has its limitations.


2.I thought of this plan when I was at a friend’s wedding a few weeks ago. I got some great pictures of the bride and groom and their guests celebrating, but I did notice that with my phone camera I wasn’t able to capture longer range photos, or photos in darker conditions; the phone’s zoom and flash aren’t very good. Next time I’d like to be able to capture a special occasion in higher quality images.


3.Obviously this plan depends on whether I can save enough money to buy the camera I’d like. Also, before making a decision about which camera to get, I’ll probably talk to a friend who knows more about photography than I do.


4.In terms of buying a camera, I’ll achieve this plan if I can save some money! In terms of becoming a better photographer, I think I’ll achieve that goal by experimenting with my new camera and by learning as I go along.


以上就是今天为大家带来的雅思口语考官范文解析,希望大家下次再看到这个口语题目Describe a future plan which is not related to work or study的时候,都能回答地很充分。

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