2016年5月雅思口语part2新题思路详解+范文:a method that saves money

摘要:雅思中国网雅思君今天跟大家分享5月雅思口语变题季part2新题Describe a method that helps you save money.(描述一个省钱的方法)思路及范文,欢迎同学们参考!


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Describe a method that helps you save money.

You should say:

What the method is

When you started to use it

How you knew it

and explain why it is helpful







Sample answer:

My method is to put money into savings account(账户) each and every month. If I am trying to save up for a big purchase(采购), the first thing I usually do is to set up a savings account through my regular bank. Then, I withdraw money each month from my checking account and deposit(存款) it into my savings account. By doing this I can save my money simply rather than having it in my checking account to spend.

Another method that helps me to save money is to spend less on non-fixed(不固定的) expenses, like groceries(杂货) and eating out. Make an effort to plan my meals and look for recipes(食谱) that are economical. Being intentional about how much money I spend per meal can also help me save money.

I use these methods to save money when I start my work. And these methods really help me a lot to manage my money matters. I learned these methods in a financial class in university, and the professor taught us how to handle our finances and make more money. I firmly believe that before making money, I should first learn how to budget(预算) my money.


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