5-8月雅思口语范文Part3--和a leader you respect有关的3个问题

摘要:本文为大家带来雅思口语5-8月的Part3口语范文,是和a leader you respect有关的3个问题,以及相对应的范文。范文表达地道,用词准确,相信会对大家的备考有所帮助,赶快来看一下吧!

今天雅思中国网雅思频道为大家带来雅思口语Part3口语范文,题目是关于a leader you respect,来看一下相关的3个问题及答案:

5-8月雅思口语最新话题范文汇总-Part 3部分(传送门)

1.In your culture, what kinds of people can be leaders?

Well, generally Chinese people think a leader should be able to clarify direction through strategies and provide guidance for other people. So leaders must be individuals who establish and reinforce core behavioral values, select the talent and provide guidance for decision-making and on-going talent development.


clarify 明确 strategy 战略

reinforce core behavioral values 强化核心行为价值观

on-going 不间断地

2.Has there been a change in the characteristics that leaders should have?

Um...well,I think the historic view of the leader is one of command and control, where the leader takes a strong role in issuing directives and enforcing their execution. However, in today's fast-changing world, the leader should be more concerned with ensuring clarity around overall direction and finding ways to support key resources and teams in their pursuit of strategy.


issuing directives 发布指令

enforcing their execution 强制执行

clarify 这里翻译成清醒

3.Many women are earning more money now, does it mean that they can be leaders?

Well, women can definitely be leaders. In fact, they can be great leaders. In our world today, many successful women occupy high positions in a company or even in a government and it’s not uncommon at all. Hilary Clinton, for instance, is even fairly likely to be president of the United States. My mom runs a small clothing company and there are over 100 people working for her. So, yeah, I don’t think it’s because women are earning more that they can be leaders. Men and women are the same and as long as you’re capable, you can be a leader, regardless of your gender.


definitely 一定地

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