5-8月雅思口语范文Part3--和living with others有关的4个问题

摘要:本文为大家带来雅思口语5-8月的Part3口语范文,是和living with others有关的4个问题,以及相对应的范文。范文表达地道,用词准确,相信会对大家的备考有所帮助,赶快来看一下吧!

今天雅思中国网雅思频道为大家带来雅思口语Part3口语范文,题目是关于living with others,来看一下相关的4个问题及答案:

5-8月雅思口语最新话题范文汇总-Part 3部分(传送门)

1.Do you like to live with people about your age or older than you?

Personally, I prefer living with people older than me. Many young people in my age still live with their parents because in this way, we don’t have to pay the bills since we don’t earn much money. So living with parents can really makes our lives much easier. Also, people older than me will sometimes give me many useful suggestions, which can provide guidance to my life.

2. What would you do if your neighbor are noisy all the time?

Well, nowadays people live closely together. So noisy neighbors are a common problem in our society. To solve this problem, people should firstly have a polite conversation with their neighbors, to address them about the noise. However, if noisy neighbors respond in manner so hostile that you fear for your safety, your next step when noise occurs should be a call to the police.


conversation 交谈 hostile 怀有敌意的

3.What are the advantages of living with old people?

Well, in China, many people live with their parents and grandparents. There are many advantages of living with old people. Firstly, some old people may help their youngs do some housework, which means young people can concentrate more on their work. And another point is that, if young people encounter any problems, they can ask for old people's help because they may be more experienced.


encounter 遭遇

4.Should young adults live on their own?

There are several reasons as for why I think young adults should live on their own. Firstly, I believe young people can become mature only after they are seperated from their parents. Because they need to learn how to handle their lives by themselves. Secondly, I think young people should be financially independent.They should earn their own money and not be boomerang kids. Last but not least, living alone also provide them with much more freedom to expand their social circles, and do whatever they like to do.


as for 说起 mature 成熟的

boomerang kid 啃老族

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