9月最新雅思口语P3范文:a product you bought which made you very happy

摘要:雅思中国网雅思频道第一时间为大家带来9月雅思口语变题季p3部分话题范文。本文给大家带来的是Describe a product you bought which made you very happy (令你开心的一款产品)的范文,9月有考试的同学们抓紧来学习啦!

一转眼,雅思口语进入了9-12月的新题季,雅思中国网雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出part 3部分范文答案:Describe a product you bought which made you very happy ,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧!

9月最新<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语P3范文:a product you bought which made you very happy图1

1.How often do people in your country go shopping?

That really depends on the person but girls and women do it more frequently than boys and men. My sister often purchases things on the internet while my mother likes to visit her friends at the mall on weekends for visiting and shopping. My father and I do very little shopping and when we do it’s usually online but my father must go to the shopping mall to buy his clothes because his size is very big and needs to try on the clothing before he purchases it.

2.What kinds of places are popular for shopping in China?

Online shopping on Taobao, shopping malls and local markets are the places that we go shopping at in my hometown in Shenyang.

3.Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality?

Not in my lifetime. Online shopping is great for some simple inexpensive things to be delivered to your house like DVD’s, books, multitudes of grocery items and healthcare products etc., but this will not replace the habits of window shopping, viewing movies at the cinema’s there, and all of the talking you do with your friends while you are there. These social gathering places can’t be replaced by online shopping.

4.Did you ever have bad shopping experience?

Yes, I bought a wallet online that in the pictures online looked very good. Once I received it, it had scratches all over one side of it. I asked them to replace it but they said they were out of stock and wouldn’t be getting any more of those wallets. If I wanted a refund I had to ship it back but the shipping was almost the price of the wallet so I just gave up!

5.What would you do if you bought something disappointing from the internet?

The only option is to send it back and get a refund but that takes time and will cost you money for shipping. It’s not worth sending back unless the item is either insured or is expensive.

6.How is online shopping so popular these days?

Well, in recent years, because of the numerous advantages and benefits, more and more people these days prefer buying things online over the conventional method of going into stores.When it comes to reasons, the convenience is the biggest perk, people can do shopping in minutes, and the products will be delivered to their doors. Also, the better price is another point. Because products come to you direct from the manufacturer or seller without middleman being involved. I think that' why online shopping becomes so popular.

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