9-12月雅思口语P2话题范文:Describe a good friend of yours

摘要:一转眼,雅思口语进入了9-12月的新一轮话题季,雅思中国网雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,一切皆有可能,冲7就在此刻了。​本文口语话题:Describe a good friend of yours (好朋友)。

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9-12月<a href=http://www.ieltschn.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思</a>口语P2话题范文:Describe a good friend of yours图1

Describe a good friend of yours.

You should say:

who he or she is

when you met him or her for the first time

what kind of person he/she is

and explain why you like him/her

sample answer

Stuart is undoubtedly my best friend according to every definition I can fathom about the best buddy! He is 24 years old and a handsome fellow. His smile (both genuine and rouge one) is worth million dollars! Once I heard that if you can stay silent for a long time with a friend and yet feel comfortable being so, probably s/he is your best friend and that’s exactly what Stuart is.

We are friend for more than 7 years and I met him in my college days. After our friendship began I enjoyed his accompany from every perspective. He remains stick with me through thick and thin, and is always the one person whom I can share anything and everything. He is a good listener and one of the most talented persons I have ever met. He never hesitates to tells me the truth in an unapologetically blunt manner and never hesitates to stop me when I am wrong!

Our friendship started and remained so tight mostly because of our common interest. We often discuss the books we read, criticize the writings or movies we watch and praise a beautiful piece of artwork. We are both interested in computer games and we often play computer games together.

These days we are learning Spanish together and taking our graphics designing course together. Whenever I rent or download a movie, I invite him to watch it on my 3D TV. Apart from that we are maintaining a blog together and that’s something we enjoy to a great extent.

Sometimes I share things with him that I cannot share with anyone else, and I get advice without being judged. This is the best part of our friendship and probably the main reasons our friendship is still intact and strong. He celebrates my successes genuinely, we know each other in and out and we can talk about everything no matter how nonsense it is.

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