雅思口语库part2话题范文汇总之:搬家转校(a time you moved to a new home or school)

本期奉上雅思口语题库part2话题范文汇总之:搬家转校(a time you moved to a new home or school)。多个话题版本,总有一款适合你,还不速来围观。友情提示:考生应该尽量避免传统的背诵套句或者是模版的口语学习方式,去学习口语范文中地道的词组搭配以及英美人士的思维方式,更加关注词组和逻辑思维两个层面。另外,就是要从扣题角度出发,看优秀范文怎样从扣题的方面来展开口语话题。

Describe a time you moved to a new home or school

You should say:

When did you move

Where did you move

Why did you move

How did you feel about the moving

雅思口语库part2话题范文汇总之:搬家转校(a time you moved to a new home or school)图1



高分语料:The new accommodation she moves to is in a suburb. Linda has to drive 20 minutes to go to the grocery store. But she doesn't mind it because she can live in a bigger than before. When she looks out of the window, she can see the flowers and cute birds flying in the sky. The only thing should be improved of her new accommodation is the blue-color stars all over the walls. Although they glow in the dark, during the day they make her feel depressed. Therefore, she plans to add some posters on them.

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