雅思口语库part2话题范文汇总之:童年趣事(Describe a happy time in your childhood)

本期奉上雅思口语题库part2话题范文汇总之:童年趣事(Describe a happy time in your childhood)。多个话题版本,总有一款适合你,还不速来围观。

Describe a happy time in your childhood

You should say:

What is it

When did it happen

Why you remember it

雅思口语库part2话题范文汇总之:童年趣事(Describe a happy time in your childhood)图1



高分语料:After riding for a couple of days behind my brother, I wanted to learn to ride it myself. My brother, Jim, did not hesitate to teach me the riding. Initially, he explained how bicycle worked and took me to take the rider seat. I fell on the ground several times and Jim instructed me to keep the balance. In the first phase, Jim used to control the bicycle from behind so that I do not fall on the ground and gradually I improved in riding the bicycle. Later, Jim allowed me to ride the bicycle alone.

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