2018年雅思口语题库新题:you saw lots of people were smiling(众人笑的场合)

本文带来雅思口语话题高分范文:Describe a time you saw lots of people were smiling(众人笑的场合)

雅思口语题库话题part2参考范文:you saw lots of people were smiling(众人笑的场合)图1




In our lives we have bad and good times. Some of them we want to delete it from our memory because they make us feel shame, but some other are such a beautiful moments that we never want to forget them.

I remember many funny situations made me laugh but the most recent was the last Wednesday. I went with my friends to a small restaurant and we sat outside because the weather was sunny. The restaurant was very busy, so many people were there.

Behind my chair there was a small stair that i haven't seen before i sat on this position . Suddenly, while i was sitting i fell down of the stair and i couldn't stand up. Nobody who were there stopped laughing include and me. On one hand i felt shy, but on the other i was laughing by myself.

Overall, every time i remember that situation i smile.

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