
雅思口语变题季来了,考鸭们别慌,雅思君为你准备了最新5-8月雅思口语新题,赶紧准备起来吧。本期雅思口语part2话题为:Describe a magazine you enjoying watching(报刊杂志)。范文仅供参考,各位考鸭还需要根据自己的实际经历来编写自己的口语内容。


Describe a magazine you enjoying watching

You should say:

What it is

How often do you watch it

What do you learn from it

Why do you like it

雅思口语part2 参考范文

Let me tell you about my favourite magazine which is called the Science Fiction World and it comes out on a monthly basis. It is definitely the most famous magazine in this field in China, and loads of young students and adults subscribe to it. It is very cheap, only costs 6 yuan.


I guess it’s a professional science fiction magazine that began publishing in 1979 and showcases some of the best works in this field, such as Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, and also fosters a number of domestic authors like Liu Cixin and Wang Jinkang. I believe the Science Fiction World represents where the Chinese science fiction novels are going in the future.


I’ve read this magazine for about 15 years since the middle school age. I believe that reading science fiction novels can help inspire my imagination and creativity and think about some ultimate philosophic questions about the universe, what our society would be like in many years, and what form our human being will develop into. Besides, reading appealing novels enables me to enjoy the leisure time in an elegant way.



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