2018年7月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:买过不常用的东西

本文雅思口语新题预测话题:不常用的东西(Describe something you bought but have not used very much)。附有口语参考范文,内容有关:它是这一流派中最受欢迎的书籍之一,可能是因为它帮助人们在个人和职业层面上获得更多的成就,并从生活中获得更多。

2018年5月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:买过不常用的东西图1

不常用的东西 Describe something you bought but have not used very much

You should say:

What this thing is?

When did you buy it?

Why you have not used it very much?

How did you react?

雅思口语Part 2范文:不常用的东西

主题: 一件御寒外套


Okay, so about a year ago I had to travel to another country where the weather was a lot colder than where I live. I was going to be there for about a week; I was attending a conference there in connection with my work, and I looked online to see what the temperature was in the city I would be visiting and I got quite a shock.

I realized that I didn’t have any really suitable clothes for such cold weather, so I decided that I would buy a warm coat to wear while I was there. I couldn’t find anything locally because the weather here is so nice and warm all year round there is no need to wear a coat or jacket – so I ended up buying a warm coat online.

I’m glad I did because when I landed at the airport it was freezing cold and raining also. I was really happy that I had something warm to wear. In fact I wore that coat every day while I was there, whenever I had to go outside.

But apart from the week I spent there I’ve never worn it since. There’s just no need here, so it’s been hanging in my closet since I got back, for more than a year now. I’m sure it’ll come in useful again if I ever visit another cold place in the future, but it’s not something I use often nor am I likely to.

It’s a shame really because it’s really nice but I just don’t need a warm coat in my daily life here. Maybe I could lend it to someone else who is going to travel to a cold place. I’m sure they’d appreciate it.

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