发贴: chrisdlj(chrisdlj) 听力:ver 65阅读:ver 62写作:ver 90口语:stage 1are you working or studying/what's your daily tasks/do you like to learn new things/what new things you learned recently/do
发贴: chat518(chat518) 口语一个 叫 D*** 的女老外. 很死板的. 一个一个的问题问, 发音不太清楚有 a normal daywhat do you think of fast food..popular museum.describe the best party you have taken.
发贴: xiaoyingzi(贝贝) 更多内容请关注近期更新的100页雅思真题 IELTS SPEAKING TESTStage11.Yourself1)What’s your surmane(last name family name ?My last name is X.2)What’s your full name?My name
发贴: victor_jan(jason) 今天下午,我走进了考场,是一个男考官,感觉不错,但最后给几分,我就没数了考试内容:Where are you come?Why you come here?What is the popular sports in China?Diferent of the men
Part One Personal Information 1. Can I have your name, surname (first name) and first name (given name)? 2. How old are you/what is your birthday? 3. What is your living address/permanent address/mail
发贴: mabel(mabel) 昨天结束了雅思考试,祸福未知,先把口语内容告诉大家.stage 11 Are you student or not? 2 your major 3 why select this major 4 How to organize you time at school?5 The favorite