发贴:1983PIG 一个秃子,还好挺和蔼,topic: room you like ,style ,countryside and city 的style区别应该做什么change for house in city ----------------------------------------------------------------
发贴:tansiren 湖北大学, 5号房间。。hometown? tell me sth. about Wuhan? What kind of musi do you like? how often do you read? why you read? topic: the old man influensed you? related questio
发贴:rincohe 19日中午12:58考口语,一个年轻的woman,从头到尾都在冲我笑,笑的我发寒!stage1: major,favourite music, photographer:what kind of photo do you like?....stage2:topic:describe you room or
发贴:clairewanglu 我是18号考的。一个中年男子,说话很快,人很严肃。也问爱不爱reading,说爱,又问了我why,where do you often read,what kind of books,what dose reading mean to you,etc.prompt card 是喜欢