发贴:zhentou口语: 新西兰part 1: full name, music , instrumentpart 2: discribe something you made and particular meaningpart 3: lots of questions about handmade craft and machine made craft
发贴:xueyugufeng 第一次考雅思没想到就被考官给玩死了一进去就开始录音然后问我的个人情况what is your name are you a student or at work ?what is you subjectwhy do you choose this subjectdo you know the w
第一次考雅思没想到就被考官给玩死了一进去就开始录音然后问我的个人情况what is your name are you a student or at work ?what is you subjectwhy do you choose this subjectdo you know the wild animal in chin