原贴地址:http://bbs.3gbbs.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=25&ID=169126&page=28分比较意外.模考时老师说"If you don't obey the rules, 5 or 6. if you do as the third part, longer answer, show up your vocabulary,
原贴地址:http://bbs.3gbbs.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=25&ID=169126&page=28分比较意外.模考时老师说"If you don't obey the rules, 5 or 6. if you do as the third part, longer answer, show up your vocabulary,
近期口语考试中关于人物的卡片主要有如下几张: Describe a classmate of yours Describe a good friendDescribe a happy personDescribe a colleagueDescribe a neighborDescribe your own personality Describ