


特别注意:…should do, decide on, vote for, best bet 等提出决定的用法,以及一些表示评价的形容词,这时要分清谁是做决定者,做决定的人的语气一般有一定提示作用。


Put notice in ………………………………….

( 剑桥真题 3 Test 3 Section 1 Question 10 )

本题答案: (the)Newsletter(时事通讯)。

原文录音: JOAN: Where do you think I should put up the notice?

Where everyone’s guaranteed to see it.

PETER: On the café notice board I should think.

JOAN: Hardly anyone looks at that.

PETER: Well, the Newsletter is probably your best bet.

JOAN: Good idea. I’ll go and do that now.

破题密码: PETER本来想把通知贴在notice board(通知布告栏)上,但JOAN说几乎没有人看,用了hardly这个否定副词,推翻PETER的提议。接着用best bet(最佳选择) 这个用法,最后确定用Newsletter(时事通讯)。


肯定暗示:best bet

难度系数: ★★


Name of design: ………………………………….

( 剑桥真题 3 Test 3 Section 3 Question 23 )

本题答案: Blind Puzzle (盲人拼图) 。(备选答案: Blind jigsaw puzzle。)

原文录音: MARY COLLINS: What have called the design? Keep it short.

JOHN BROWN: What about jigsaw puzzle design for visually handicapped?

MARY COLLINS: Too long. Just say blind puzzle, that’ll do.


破题密码: MARY COLLINS询问设计名称,但提示:Keep it short(尽量短点)。

但JOHN BROWN给出了jigsaw puzzle design for visually handicapped(给视觉有障碍的人设计的拼图)。很多考生听到这个答案马上晕了,但很明显,这个答案太长,超过一般填空题的规定字数,肯定不是雅思听力的正常答案,所以考生听到后无需惊慌。MARY COLLINS之后也说了Too long(太长),意味着考生们还有一次机会。最后的答案只需填写Blind Puzzle(盲人拼图)。由于很多考生对这个词组不熟,所以本题失分率超过半数。

否定暗示: Too long.

肯定暗示:Just say……that’ll do

难度系数: ★★★


What is Brian going to do before the course starts?

A attend a class

B write a report

C read a book

( 剑桥真题 6 Test 1 Section 3 Question 21)

本题答案: A。

原文录音: BRIAN:Is there anything I should do before the course, likereading or anything?

TUTOR: We prefer to integrate reading with the course, so we don’t give out a reading list in advance. But we like people to write a case study, describing an organization they know.

BRIAN: I’ve already done that, as my friends told me you wanted one. But would it be possible to sit in on a teaching session, to see what it’s like? I haven’t been a student for quite a while.

TUTOR: Fine. Just let me know which date, and I’ll arrange it with the tutor.
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