2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 57 保护环境的人 Describe a person who helps to protect the environment

Describe a person who helps to protect the environment.
You should say:
Who this person is;
How this person protects the environment;
Whether it is difficult for the person to protect the environment;
And explain how you felt about it.

57. 保护环境的人(是 1-4 月的考题,目前疑似属于本季度继续在考的旧题)

Well…talking about people who care about environmental protection, the first one that I can think of is my uncle. He’s 45 now, and he’s a history professor at a university. He really cares about the changes to the environment and related news stories.

I live very close to his house and I hang out with him a lot, so I know him pretty well. I found he has a very good habit. When he goes grocery shopping, he always has a reusable bag311 with him, and he doesn’t use plastic bags quite often. He told me once that this is a great way to reduce white pollution.

So, you see, my uncle likes to live a greener life312. He always starts small by doing the little things in our everyday life. For example, when he sees litter313 on the street, he would definitely pick it up and throw it into a garbage can314. And even though he has a car, he takes public transportation as much as possible. It seems very normal to him. I think those green acts315 have become a part of his lifestyle, and it’s definitely not a burden to him316.

As for my feelings about what he does, well, I admire his awareness of environmental protection317; more importantly, he also influences others around him to care more about our environment.

311 reusable bag:可以重复使用的袋子
312 live a greener life:绿色生活
313 litter: 垃圾
314 a garbage can: 垃圾桶
315 green acts:绿色行为,环保行为
316 not a burden to him:对他来说一点都不难,一点都不是负担
317 awareness of environmental protection:环保意识

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