

  阅读分为四个层次:词、句、段、章。同学们一般习惯于以词为单位阅读,所以遇到存在“生词”的句子就无从下手了。其实阅读的真正障碍并不在于“生词”,而在于“难句”,因为难句即使每个单词都认识,只要“结构”复杂,可能也读不懂。反之,一旦能够把握“结构”,就可以忽略生词,掌握大意,从而实现 “无词阅读”的境界。为此,本人特意为广大同学制作了这一套“难句随身卡”(包括基础篇和提高篇)。







  1.谓语动词用黑体的斜体字表示,例如:Everyone should know …。

  2.从句的引导词用方框表示,例如:where the nearest fire alarm box is located。

  3.从句用横线表示,例如:where the nearest fire alarm box is located,表示where引导的从句。

  4.插入语成分用括号表示,例如:Keeping your head, (instead of crowding and pushing to get to an exit), may make the difference between…

  第二章 插入结构


  1.A child hears it spoken from morning till night and, (what is more important), always in its genuine form, with the right pronunciation, right intonation, right use of words and right structure.

  结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中主句的是hears。(what is more)是插入语,而插入语并不重要。所以要先理解插入语两端的内容,再理解插入语。因此,对于插入语,我们的处理方法是:“先读两端,再读中间”。 with后面的right…right…and right…是并列结构。


  2.Work, (for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and under), involves responsibility for a household, a child or children, and a job outside the home as well.

  结构:只有一个谓语动词:involves。(for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and under)是插入语。本句的主干为:Work involves responsibility。for后面的内容修饰responsibility,而a household, a child or children, and a job outside the home as well为并列结构。


  3.Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, (unless there was a ship nearby), would be on an island 885 miles away.

  结构:共有5个谓语动词,主句谓语动词为could not help。that引导think的宾语从句。could contact属于定于从句,省略了引导词,修饰person。unless引导条件状语从句,为插入语。拆分为:

  1) Still, he could not help thinking.

  2) That if anything should happen.

  3) The nearest person would be on … away.

  4) he could contact the person.

  5) Unless there was a ship nearby.


  4.Yet this other life has its interests, its enjoyments, its satisfaction, and, (at certain rare intervals), a peaceful glow or a sudden excitement.

  结构:只有1个谓语动词:has。its…, its…, its…, and a…or a…是并列结构,作为has的宾语。(at certain rare intervals)是插入语。


  5.Our knowledge of social systems, (therefore), (while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate), is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries.

  结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中is not是主句的谓语动词。while引导的让步状语从句,作为插入语,分隔了主语和系动词。拆分为:


  阅读分为四个层次:词、句、段、章。同学们一般习惯于以词为单位阅读,所以遇到存在“生词”的句子就无从下手了。其实阅读的真正障碍并不在于“生词”,而在于“难句”,因为难句即使每个单词都认识,只要“结构”复杂,可能也读不懂。反之,一旦能够把握“结构”,就可以忽略生词,掌握大意,从而实现 “无词阅读”的境界。为此,本人特意为广大同学制作了这一套“难句随身卡”(包括基础篇和提高篇)。







  1.谓语动词用黑体的斜体字表示,例如:Everyone should know …。

  2.从句的引导词用方框表示,例如:where the nearest fire alarm box is located。

  3.从句用横线表示,例如:where the nearest fire alarm box is located,表示where引导的从句。

  4.插入语成分用括号表示,例如:Keeping your head, (instead of crowding and pushing to get to an exit), may make the difference between…

  第二章 插入结构


  1.A child hears it spoken from morning till night and, (what is more important), always in its genuine form, with the right pronunciation, right intonation, right use of words and right structure.

  结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中主句的是hears。(what is more)是插入语,而插入语并不重要。所以要先理解插入语两端的内容,再理解插入语。因此,对于插入语,我们的处理方法是:“先读两端,再读中间”。 with后面的right…right…and right…是并列结构。


  2.Work, (for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and under), involves responsibility for a household, a child or children, and a job outside the home as well.

  结构:只有一个谓语动词:involves。(for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and under)是插入语。本句的主干为:Work involves responsibility。for后面的内容修饰responsibility,而a household, a child or children, and a job outside the home as well为并列结构。


  3.Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, (unless there was a ship nearby), would be on an island 885 miles away.

  结构:共有5个谓语动词,主句谓语动词为could not help。that引导think的宾语从句。could contact属于定于从句,省略了引导词,修饰person。unless引导条件状语从句,为插入语。拆分为:

  1) Still, he could not help thinking.

  2) That if anything should happen.

  3) The nearest person would be on … away.

  4) he could contact the person.

  5) Unless there was a ship nearby.


  4.Yet this other life has its interests, its enjoyments, its satisfaction, and, (at certain rare intervals), a peaceful glow or a sudden excitement.

  结构:只有1个谓语动词:has。its…, its…, its…, and a…or a…是并列结构,作为has的宾语。(at certain rare intervals)是插入语。


  5.Our knowledge of social systems, (therefore), (while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate), is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries.

  结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中is not是主句的谓语动词。while引导的让步状语从句,作为插入语,分隔了主语和系动词。拆分为:

  1) Our knowledge of social systems is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries.

  2) While it is in many ways extremely inaccurate.


  6.However, self-fulfillment is important to morality because unfulfilled citizens, (no matter how virtuous), can not perform the duties morality assigns them.

  结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中is是主句的谓语动词。because引导原因状语从句。(no matter how virtuous)是插入语,分隔了从句的主语和谓语。拆分为:

  1) Self-fulfillment is important to morality.

  2) Because unfulfilled citizens can not perform the duties morality assigns them.


  1) Our knowledge of social systems is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries.

  2) While it is in many ways extremely inaccurate.


  6.However, self-fulfillment is important to morality because unfulfilled citizens, (no matter how virtuous), can not perform the duties morality assigns them.

  结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中is是主句的谓语动词。because引导原因状语从句。(no matter how virtuous)是插入语,分隔了从句的主语和谓语。拆分为:

  1) Self-fulfillment is important to morality.

  2) Because unfulfilled citizens can not perform the duties morality assigns them.


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