
        contract          n. ~ (for sth/to do sth) legally binding agreement, usu in writing
        contradict        v.  say sth that conflicts with by (sb), suggesting that the person is mistaken or not telling the truth
        contrary          adj. opposite in nature, tendency or direction
        contrast          v. ~ A and/with B compare so that differences are made clear
        contribute        v.  ~ (to/towards sth) give one's share of (money, help, advice, etc) to help a joint cause
        controversy       n. ~ public discussion or argument, often rather angry, about sth which many people disagreewith
        convene           v.  summon to come together; arrange (a meeting, etc)
        converse          v. ~ (about sth); ~ (together) (fml ) talk
        convert           v.  ~ (sth) (from sth) (into/to sth) change (sth) from one form or use to another
        convince          v.  ~ sb make sb feel certain; cause sb to realize
        cooperate         to work or act together
        coordinate        vt. to organize or integrate (diverse elements) in a harmonious operation
        core              n.  centre of such fruits as the apple and pear, containing the seeds
        corporate         adj.  of or shared by all the members of a group; collective
        correspond        v.  ~ be in agreement; not contradict sth or each other

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