Compare and contrast essays
a The Contrast essay
Contrast or distinguish between questions usually present you with two or more terms, instruments, concepts or procedures that are closely connected, and sometimes confused. The purpose of the essay is to explain the differences between them. The question may be of the form:
Contrast ....Distinguish between ...
What is the difference between....
What are the differences between....
How are ... and ... different?
A suitable answer structure would be:
Introduction to differences between A and B
Contrast A & B in terms of first difference
Contrast A & B in terms of second difference
Contrast A & B in terms of third difference
b. The Compare essay
Compare questions usually present you with two or more terms, instruments, concepts or procedures that are closely connected, and sometimes confused. The purpose of the essay is to explain the similarities between them. Words used are:
Compare ....
What features do ... and ... have in common?
What are the similarities between....
How are ... and ... similar?
A suitable answer structure would be:
Introduction to similarities between A and B
Compare A & B
in terms of first similarity
Compare A & B
in terms of second similarity
Compare A & B
in terms of third similarity
c. The compare and contrast essay
Compare and contrast essays require you to indicate areas in which the things to be compared are similar and different.
Compare and contrast....
There are two main ways to answer such questions:
Introduction to differences and similarities between A and B
Difference 1
Difference 2
Difference 3
Similarity 1
Similarity 2
Similarity 3
Introduction to differences and similarities between A and B
Aspect 1 - similarities
Aspect 1 - differences
Aspect 2 - similarities
Aspect 2 - differences
Aspect 3 - similarities
Aspect 3 - differences
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