在雅思考试的听说读写四门科目中,大多数考生最担心的莫过于写作了,时常会出现投入精力最多、耗费时间最长、考试分数最低的现象,这往往和考生备考方式不合理有关。在雅思写作备考中,考生比较容易进入的一个误区就是“题海战术”。到处收集作文题目,然后每天写2-3篇,以期写作水平在能在短期内迅速提高。其实不然,适当数量的写作实战练习是必不可少的,但是并非批量生产、机械运动,最重要的是能从题目中以小见大、举一反三,掌握相关类型题目的解题精髓。在此,笔者以剑桥系列C5T1的Task 1为例,探讨怎样从一道曲线题中学到这一类图型的应对策略。
The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.
这时,出自The graph shows the increase in the ageing population in Japan, Sweden and the USA. It indicates that the percentage of elderly people in all three countries is expected to increase to almost 25% of the respective populations by the year 2040.
In 1940 the proportion of people aged 65 or more stood at only 5% in Japan, approximately 7% in Sweden and 9% in the US. However, while the figures for the Western countries grew to about 15% in around 1990, the figure for Japan dipped to only 2.5% for much of this period, before rising to almost 5% again at the present time.