1. What’s your opinion?
2. Discuss and give your own opinion.
3. Advantages and disadvantages.
4. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
5. What ‘s the problem and how to resolve it?
就这两次考试的时间、题型和内容而言,1月10日北京、南京、杭州和深圳四个城市只进行了A类的考试。Task1 为please compare the charts for clothing import of US and Japan between 1995 and 2000. Task 2 为some people believe spending time on TV, video and PC games are good for children and some believe that is bad. Discuss the two views and give your own opinion.1月12日A类的Task1为柱形图(bar chart),涉及到加拿大、德国、英国从1980年到2000年到2030年全国人口中年龄在65岁以上(包括65岁)的比例问题。Task2 是上述第二种题型(Discuss and give your own opinion),题型与10号相同,内容则涉及到同学们很久没有看到过的社会问题中的“犯罪问题”,即为了减少犯罪,是应该延长刑期,还是应该有更多其他的途径去减少犯罪(Some people think longer prison sentences are necessary in order to reduce the crime, others think there should be alternative ways to reduce the crime. Discuss the views and give your own opinion)。同一天的G类考试Task1 为推荐信,具体是当地报纸正在开展最佳邻居的评选活动,推荐你的邻居。(Write to the local newspaper about a competition“best neighbor in your area”; recommend your neighbor to attend the competition for the winner.)Task2又与A类题型相同,属于上述第二种题型,旨在比较radio 和television,即 Radio is more enjoyable and practical than television.
当1月19日较为具备代表性的A与G类两次考试出现在中国的大部分区域时,报名人数的增加,又是不容忽视的。这次考试的整体状态为听力、口语以旧题为主,而阅读也很简单。至于作文对于烤鸭们来说都不算是新题,因为他们都曾经出现在2006年雅思的考场上,尤其是大作文“老年人问题”和“家庭与孩子教育的问题”。A类TASK2如下:Old generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life, think and behavior. Most people argue that it is not helpful for the young generations preparing for modern life in the future. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 即老一代的观点会影响年轻人的生活、想法和行为。大部分人认为会对现在社会的年轻人的迎接未来有帮助。你同意还是不同意?同时,G类Task2则为: 有些人认为孩子在上小学前应该先去幼儿园,有人认为孩子应该一直和家人在一起,谈论一下并给出你的观点。(Some people think that the young children benefit from going to the nursery school before starting primary school. Others think it is better for the young children to stay all day with the families. Discuss both views and give your opinion. ) 从题型上看,A类保持了雅思的传统题型Do you agree or disagree?,上述第四种题型。而G类则继1月12日之后,再次出现了上述第二种题型Discuss and give your own opinion。可见,对于2008年“烤鸭”们在备考过程中准确对待已有的考试真题——写作机经是非常重要的。
对于两类考试的小作文,我们不难看到A类的小作文没有出现“流程图”的图表题,而是出现了内容相对较多的单一的“表格题”,这种table图经常会因为其内容丰富而被雅思考官选中成为唯一的一种在考试过程中出现的单一图表题型,值得关注。本次的TASK1为表格题(table),总结和比较英国4个汽车制造商的2002年广告花费(manufactures cost on advertising),以及他们对press,radio,cinema,TV等不同形式广告的利用率的分项金额比较。 G类的小作文与1月12日出现的文章要求大体一致,同为“推荐信” 题目为“最近你和一个在你们城市开新公司的经理在一次会议上见过面,他给你一个邀请去他的公司工作。你的回信包括:1.谢谢他的邀请2.为什么不能离开现在的公司3.推荐你的朋友(You recently met a manager from a new company that opened in your town. After the meeting, he wrote to you that offering you a job in this new company. However, you want to stay in your present job. Write a letter to the manager, and include: 1.thanks him for the offer 2.explain why you want to stay in the present job 3.recommend a friend the job in the new company.)”两次同为一月份的一周之隔的G类Task1 的信件类型一致性同样值得同学们关注。需要提醒各位同学的是两次考试相比较而言,G类的同学可以更多参考1月19日的考试题目要求,它更符合雅思考试的一贯思路。
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