去年12月15号环球雅思在中国国家气象局举行的大型讲座中,我明确提出了以下观点:2008雅思写作必须出大量的新题才能和TOEFL iBT在商业上竞争,因为现在IELTS又新签下了很多大学,包括很多美国大学。而且它已经在为Harvard,Columbia, Yale, Princeton这一级的世界名校寄送分数,它必须投资开发新题。IELTS和TOEFLiBT在全球越来越激烈的竞争,这必然会导致两个考试的比过去有根本的改变。这完全不是所谓“几月变题”这样简单的改变,这是一场要持续一两年的变革。
下面给大家全面送出去年12月15日到今年3月1日的全部图表和大作文题目。从中我们可以看出,至少一半左右的题目的类型和难度都已经有了本质变化,而且小作文的地图题(1月26日)和流程图(2月14日)间隔只有18天,这也是过去三年从来没有过的。因为TOEFL iBT的存在,这次剑桥真的下决心要出新题了,包括象地图和流程图这样的小作文题目也会有比过去更高的考察频率。我们应该及时的在教学中告诉学生对新题型的解答方法。如果还只用过去的题型教学,结果将导致考生轻敌并且对新题型准备不足。
1 今年上半年的后四个月写作还会有一些(一半左右)比较常规的作文题目,因为剑桥不可能一次把所有题目都换成新题,换题会是逐步推进的。我们熟悉的常规的题目比例预计在下半年会进一步减少;
2 考前背范文或者背ideas的方法将会越来越失效,甚至有全军覆没的可能。而我们万能的“裸奔法”对付抽象话题却特别快,因为它可以让任何抽象话题立刻具体化。12号晚上我会专门写一篇文章给大家分析用“裸奔法”瞬间搞定变题后的任何新题,16号晚上7分海淀写作单项班第二节课我也会给大家现场演示用“裸奔法”瞬间搞定新题的素材;
3 充分的准备,不是抽签式的碰运气,而是用真正实用而且高效率的方法抓住英语写作本质的内容。这些新题目再怪再不像雅思作文,也总不会超过英文写作的范围。今后的考题,对写作教师的英文写作实力会有越来越高的要求。
--Pat 3月12日凌晨
3/1 bar chart
Schools offer a wide range of courses, such as
physical education,
physics and history. Of all these subjects, which one do you think isthe most important and which one is the least important?(给考生这么多选择的题目过去在欧洲区有过,但是在亚太区从没有过)
2/23 pie + line
Some people think imported food exerts positive impact on our lives.To what extent do you agree?(常规题)
2/16 table
An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.”
Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree?(这类future vs present的题在GRE考试中经常出现,在老的雅思题库里这种难度的考察却极为罕见)
2/14 process diagram ( 流程图 )
An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities. What problems will this cause? Should the government encourage people to livein small towns? (常规题)
2/2 line graph
Some people think humans can exploit animals for any purpose that they need while others disagree. What is your opinion?(exploit这个词大概很多考生都不认识)(过去有类似的题但是考题难度明显提高)
1/26 map (地图)
Unemployment is increasingly serious in many countries. Some people think students only need to get primary education while others think secondary education is necessary. To what extent do you agree?(教育的题过去从来不会问是不是连中学都不用上的怪问题)
1/19 table
Old generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life, thinking and behavior. Most people argue that it is not helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life in the future. What is your opinion?(关于传统的考题从来没有出现过这么难的题)
Some people think to lower the crime rate, criminals should be given longer terms in prison. What is your view?(常规题)
Some people believe children spending time on TV, video and PC games is good while others believe that is bad. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(常规题)
We can see more image of disasters(关于灾难的话题欧洲区和北美区考过但是亚太区极少出现) and violence shown on TV. What are its causes and what effects will they exert on the individual and society?
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