
2005.11.12Recently,global trade increase between the countries.good materials,such as some dairy goods are produced in other country,but some people think it is not good because of the long distants...
2005.11.19广告促使人们买更多的产品胜过于促进产品的质量。也就说,广告提高了销量却忽略的产品的质量。对此叫你发表意见。advertising encourage people to buy in quantity rather than promoting quality
2005.11.26The main purpose of libraries (is to provide) books, so they should not provide limited resources and space to hi-tech media e.g computer softwear video and DVD
2006.1.7Task 1
Marine Shiping Industrical ***
Big-Scale: Industical Ships
Small-Scale: Small Boats
about 50,000
nearly 120,000,000about
Annual: Industical Proceduess
** million tones
** million tones
Captainal cost of each person
$250- forgot
Annual fule oil
Number of ships
Annual catching
(million tones)
For industrial
Pay for employees per annual
Number of employees
Fuel oil of consumptions
Task1:分析一个表,工业船只,与小船只的对比,四个方面,工作的人数,小船人多,,人员工资,则工业船只的人员费用高。产出量,工业船只在食品上市差不多的,但是工业产出小船只是接近零的。 还有就是船只的油/能源消耗量,显然是大船多得多。第一段描述BREAKDOWN是写什么的。第二段我是先说每种规模他们用的人数,然后再同一句中写上少人数工资高为多少,多人数工资低为多少。然后再比较运输量和油耗量。最后总结说付出多运输多。付出小运输相对小。
Task 2:some people think they should keep all the money they earn, and should not have to pay tax to the state. agree or disagree? 有人认为所有的收入都改归己所有,不愿交税。你同意或不同意该观点,我写的是100%不同意。
1.14There are social,medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones! What form do these problems take?Do you outweight the benefits of mobile phones?
1.21What arts can give to us than scientist and tech.并用生活中的例子证明task2是说在科学技术给人类带来巨大变化的今天,艺术家如音乐家,画家、作家等带来了哪些技术所不能带来的影响。
3.11give reasons why young people can't find jobs from individual and the society then messurement to solve them
3.18Many people says teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong.  Others says teachers should only teach studens academic subjests. Discuss and give your opinion.
3.25飞机比汽车省油污染小 所以要限制non-essential air travel来代替limit the use of cars. 问你同意吗
4.8The first time when a astronaut arrived on the Moon, he said"It is a big step for mindkind." However ,some people think it makes a minor impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree? (Use you own experience to explain)
4.28some people believe that national sports teams and individual men and women who represent their country should bu financially supports by government. Some people think they should be funded by non-governemnt(e.g.business,scholarship)
5.13房屋紧缺带来的社会问题,有人认为只能靠government action 解决 是否同意
5.20talk about do the problems that coused by international trave outweight the advantages
5.27some people think that the use of animal for experimentation is cruelt, others think it is good for the development of science. Discuss the two sidas and give you opinion
6.10Some people prefer to provide help and support directly in those local community who need it. However, some people prefer to put their money in the national and international organizations.
Argued both sides..Give your reasons.
some think the best way to soleve the world's environment problem is increase the cost of fuel
2006.6.24cerement production and concrete production
1. Cerement Production
2. Concerete Production for building purpose
some people think that it's benefial for students to go to private secondary schools, but others feel that it can be a negative effect on ....
discussion the two points and give ur opinion
2006.7.8 in many countries today there is insufficient respect to old people. what are the reasons?
            what problems it might cause?
2006.7.29:Early technological developments brought more benefits and changed the lives of ordinaire people than recent technological developments.What extent do you agree or disagree?
2006.8.5美国日本澳大利亚的能源消耗(石油,单位桶)的数量以及增长率的比较(工业,农业,其他和总量四个方面)图表比较澳大利亚,日本,美国2000-2001的energy consumption,和自1990年以来的增长趋势,分为industry,tranport和other use,以及total, 美国消耗最多,增长最慢,industry增长是0.9%,澳大利亚消耗最低,日本增长最快
Energy consuming during 2000-2001, and increase rates than 1999. Summary and compare the figures and rates.
In million tones of oil equivalent
         Some people think muesums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain yong people....other think the pursose of museums is educate, not entertain. (同意博物馆作为娱乐的地方还是教育人的地方。)
8.12    when you learn a language, you should also learn the cultures and lifestyles of this country, to what extent do you agree or disagree?
8.26  The bar chart below shows the number of students at a UK university who complete (on time or late), faile to write and rewrite the postgraduation dissertation from 1980 to 2000

The multi- societies, which mixed with different ethnic people,may bing more benefits than its drawbacks to a country. To extent do you agree or disagree?
9.2there are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks,toys and other goods.parents argue that children are under pressure.advertisers claim that the advertisements provide useful information.
9.23unpaid community work do more benefit to young adult or bring more drawbac
10.14some people think the main purpose of  schools is to turn children to a good citizen or worker rather than to benefit them as individuals.
10.21Counties is much more interesting and develop more quickly when their population include a mixture of dofferent nationalities and cultures.To what extend do you agree or disagree?
10.28As most people spend a majority part of their adult life in work. Job satisfaction is an important part of individual well-being.What are the factors contribute to the job satisfaction?How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction of all workers?Reasons and relevant examples of your own knowledge and experience.什么因素是让人对工作满意的。Factors of Job Satisfaction.你认为所有的工人对他们工作的期待(expectation)有多现实(realistic)。
11.4somebody argue that the good health is basic human needs, so the medical service should not be run by profit-making companies. Do you think the disadvantages of the private health care outweigh the advantages.)

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